Chapter 7

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I fear there might be more sirens in the entire ocean than there are of mermaids. The sea dance proved it along with my father's ruthless nature. I am surrounded by dark waters all the time. So, you know what they say about the trial by fire...Fight fire with even more fire. Just don't get burnt, that would be a big mistake.

Krys and I swam back to the coral in which we met. He sets me down to sit on the edge of the coral. I place my hands on the side of my tail and look up at Krys. 

"Sorry about this. Really!" he fiddles with his fingers and bites his lower lip evading my gaze.

"It is okay. You at least tried to find answers. I should be the one sorry for not being of much help." 

"No, you didn't do anything. Besides, it is not every day you get to meet a new friend in which you wake up the next day and forget about him." Krys flexes his wrist around and chuckles nervously.

"Nice meeting you Krystus." I close my eyes.

I open my eyes to find I am in my room. The sun from above shines through my window and gives the room a lovely glow. I search through my memories and images of Krys comes though. 

'Oh god! This is bad! What do I do?'

Instead of forgetting, I remember everything. Did Krys even use his powers on me? I don't know cause I didn't even feel anything. I should have kept my eyes open to see if he did do the magic. Oh well, what is done is done. 

The door slam open to reveal my father. I sit up on my tail as he swims forward with his hands behind his back. With the black suit and black crown on his head, he is quite intimidating. I gulp and look down. He is quite scary with black on.

"Cymopoleia, a princess never hangs her head. Chin up." I raise my head. My eyes still not looking into his eyes.

"Meet my eyes sweetheart." the soft tone he spoke with lifts my eyes with some hope that he is still the man i loved on land.

"Why did you swim off?" He swims over and kneels in front of me.

"Your mother and sister were worried about you. We thought someone would have stolen you away from us." His gaze is soft and caring.

He didn't say he was worried.

"Needed some air from the fight." 

"Oh that, well you were being disobedient. Your future husband will not want that, now would we?" hope flies out the window and my heart shatters.


"Glad you are back but now you and I are going to be doing individual lessons. I am not having you disrespect your lineage so lightly." The light may be shining but none are shining in my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I am not going to be soft on you Cymopoleia. You are a princess now. The way we were on land was a pretense compared to the sea. You must learn to follow rules and obey or else there will be consequences." He turns his body so his back is facing me. His voice growls with his words.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Because of you swimming off like that, you will begin the punishment. That will be in the evening. For now, you are to freshen up and meet me in the ballroom in five minutes. Late and the punishment is doubled." He swims off and nods at a guard who enters.

"Who are you?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"I am to ensure you are not late. Better get ready fast. The king is not nice when in a bad mood and his punishments grow severely every minute you are late." My shoulder drops as a sigh passes my lips.

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