the marriage ~fluff

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So i was e gonna do this about the connor lore *SPOILERS* so it way going to be either dreams wedding from conners perspective  or George messing up fundys and dreams wedding. In going with the conner 1. Also conner is like 10 in this

Gay -as u r aware

Conners pov:
Omg you'd never believe what's happening today. My dad's is getting married to that short crinkly biach George. It's not like i don't like him but......he could do so much better. No I'm not making fun of him, im making fun of dad. Like the dude dresses like a hobo, smells like a tea kettle and is american for fuck sakes. I on the other hand was lucky to grow up British but that's not important, what's important is i have to give that weird speech at their wedding.

You know the boring one that people usually get a random unknown relative to say full of shit that they don't even remember. And it's not like I'm not good at speaking i just don't want to. But if it'll make dad happy then I'm happy.

George on the other hand has been a nervous wreck, although he know absolutely everything there is to know about dad ha keeps worrying about fucking this up. Yes i swore im like basically 11 go shit your self. The man is so uptightly calm about thus whole thing it's actually insane. And he'll message me for help as id he isn't the grown up.

Dad fucker

What ya need

Dad fucker
Did i leave my knife in your dads room

What no.... y would u think that

Dad fucker
Well I've lost my good knife

And it's dreams favourite 1

Ok and

Dad fucker
If i pose it he won't want to marry me
So i need to find it asap

God sakes George.
Look dad loves u ok
and he doesn't care is u don't have some random knife ok

Dad fucker

And if he does I'll kill him
Ur so much better
if he can't see...
that then he's as dumb as u r colour blind

Dad fucker
Also i found it

Jesus crist

As you can see he cares also but is 1 of the biggest dumbasses i know but i can't help but love him.....if you tell him i said that I'll kill you. Anyways......i still have to write that shit ass speech and get back at dad from making me say said speech.

One months later.

Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow, it's the dad it's finally today. I'm getting another dad. A short British dad............FUCK YA. I've been waiting for months. Even though i have to wait some stuffy old suit, and the whole thing it really long and boring i am actually really excited.

We've just arrived at the ceremony place thingy.
(It's not a church or like a religious place cuz idk much abt religious marriages and I'll be dammed if i offended anyone) and i couldn't help but stare. Oh shit dads calling I've gotta go put my suit on. So unfair.

20 minute time skip brought to you by bbh canonical tiddies.

Ok so the ceremony has began and I'm sat some other kids until aunt drista said i could sit with her. The whole thing to like an hour and ot was so boring. I'll never forgive them for making me stay through this.

So now that the whole thing is done i can finally get this speech over and done with.

Umm hi...can i have everyone's attention please.
For those who don't know me I'm clay son, conner, and I'm also George's new son.
I'm meant to be here giving some sappy speech but i think this is much better.
I love my dads so much, but I'm sure your all aware that their very dumb.
Like a new level of unintelligent.

I remember when i first me George...ha..
He looked like he was gonna shit himself.
He was such a reck.
It was rather entertaining.
But all aside George, thank you.
You make my dad very happy, and also you've released me from him. And for that i simplify for you.

Next the have my darling dumb farther. So I'm not his biological son, luckily. But he's always been there. Like litteraly, i remember then i was about 4 my "mother" had abandoned me. The biatch. And when he came across me sitting in his garden he took me in.

I hope you know if i had had parents you'd be in jail. Haha.
He's honestly been one of the best parents a child could wish for. Well except from the trash direction skills. But thank you, for everything.
I ain't an easy kid, I'll give u that.

So cheers, cheers to the union between to gat idiots.


Well that was one heck of a day. While dad and gerog- i mean pa are at their honeymoon I'm gonna stay at aunt dristas. So cool.

857 words holy shit thats short. I'm really sorry is this isn't as good ive been focusing on other things so this won't be posted for a couple days, it currently 5/7/2021 so ya. Baiii baiiii

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