Ch. 53 Friends and Foes

Start from the beginning

"I don't understand Portuguese!"

"WELL... then... I DON'T KNOW! Fuckin' learn it or something!"

"Or maybe you could stop speaking a different language?"

"Você está porra brincando comigo? How would you like it if I told you to stop speaking English? Or just to stop speaking altogether? 'We're in America, why don't you speak English?'" Mitch mocked in a shrill voice.

"That's not what I meant!" Avi tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, well it sure as hell sounded like it!"

"You know what?!-"

"No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me."

"Uh, guys? Maybe this isn't the best time to be arguing?" Todrick tried, but they ignored him.

"I'm getting sick and tired of you and this weird power fantasy you have where you think you're better than everyone else!" He shouted, and Mitch scoffed as he sat up.

"I don't think I'm better than everyone, I know I'm better than everyone. I'd like to see you try to get out of trouble with just your looks."

"That's not because of your looks, it's because of your powers."

"My statement remains?"

"Then why don't you make me stop being angry with you? Right now?" Avi challenged.

"See I would, but like I said multiple times, I have a headache." Mitch told him, closing his eyes and rubbing his temple. He paused to snicker. "Plus, it's kinda fun seeing you get mad like the giant manbaby you are."

"Why are you such a condescending dick?"

"Why are you such a whiny little bitch?!"

"Oh, I'm the whiny bitch? I wasn't the one pissing and moaning about a pair of boots being messed up yesterday." Avi shot back, and Mitch's eyes opened.

"HEY!!! You have no idea what I had to do to get those boots, only for them to get ruined!" He snapped, glaring daggers at Avi.

"I actually know more than you think!"

"I find that hard to believe."

"Okay! Why don't we all calm down and give each other some space?" Kevin tried to reason.

"Why don't you stay out of this," Mitch jabbed, turning his sharp tongue to the group in the kitchen. "No one was talking to you, so stop butting into other people's conversations like an annoying pop-up ad!"

"Mitch! Stop being so rude!" Kirstie scolded.

"I don't recall talking to you either, you walking doormat! Maybe instead of worrying about me, you should take that energy to find someone's shoes to lick clean!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Todrick shouted, standing up.

"I agree! So sit your ass down you Michael B Jordan wannabe reject!" Everyone in the kitchen blinked, unsure of what to say. Mitch turned his glare on each of them, daring them to speak. "I am so sick and tired of all of you constantly trying to put me down, and I can not WAIT for the cops to stop looking for me so I can finally get as far away from you people as possible!"

"Why don't you just go now?" Avi piped up, grabbing Mitch's attention again.

"I just said why."

"Well, what's stopping us from turning you in? You're so rude and mean to us, and we don't need to put up with it any longer. We could just kick you out and tell the police where to find you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Why not? Why should we let you stay here? What are you gonna do? There's four of us and only one of you."

"Oh, I could easily take you all." Mitch hissed, and Avi scoffed.

"I bet you can't use your precious charm on all of us at once."

"Who said anything about me using my charm?" He glowered, balling his hands into fists.

"Hey, Annoying Pop-up Ad here," Kevin said, getting between them. "But I don't condone fighting in my house. Don't like it, go somewhere else."

"Fine, let's take this outside."

"Nope, if any of my neighbors see people fighting, they'll call the cops. I'm sure you don't want that."

"Then where should we go?!"

"How about somewhere you're actually allowed to fight without causing the people around us to panic?"

"And where would someplace like that be?"

"Ever heard of a gym? There's a couple near here with boxing rings that have padded flooring."

"Fine! Let's go." Mitch said, and he started to walk away when his stomach grumbled. He paused and hid a slight blush as he pushed past Kevin and Avi. "After I eat."

"I'm not riding in a car with him." Avi told Kevin, loud enough for Mitch to hear.

"Não precisa de, I'll take a cab. I don't feel like being trapped in a small space with any of you right now."



"Hey, guys! I just got off the phone... with... my..." Scott trailed off as he came down the stairs and saw the tense situation. Everyone looked at him with upset faces except for Mitch, who ignored him and was angrily opening a small bag of chips. "Uh, what's wrong? Did I miss something?"

Kevin briefly glanced at Mitch before answering.

"Get in the car. We're going to the gym."


A/N Sorry again for the late update! I finished this on Sunday but decided to wait to post it today because I remembered I liked updating on Tuesday's when I was in class. Anyway, hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought in the comments! And don't forget to boop that little vote button with your nose! Love you guys!!! BAIII!!!!~

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