"Good question, although all of you have proven to be quite effective at what you do without traditional weapons. Many of the mafia bosses don't have nen abilities which is why they rely so heavily on us." He takes a deep breath. "Now I definitely want Melody outside observing the building, considering she has extraordinary hearing. Your job is to make sure nothing suspicious happens or approaches the building. Is that understood?"

"Of course," she replies.

"Now I doubt the boss will let Neon go to the Auction, due to many of his rivals targeting her and her ability to bring his downfall. Not to mention the fortunes she told predicted there might be trouble. I haven't told her yet that she's not to attend the Underground Auction tomorrow. That being the case, Squalla will remain with her here since he's the senior bodyguard and knows her a bit better."

Squalla groans with both tiredness and annoyance.

"I know, but it's something that's required of us. As for Baise and Basho, you two will watch the vault that contains the auction's treasures, just in case that is the target of misfortune tomorrow. I will be there to bid if the auction does go according to plan." Dalzollene then turns to Kurapika. "You are extremely observant and very experienced with your nen abilities, so I'm having trouble determining where I want to place you, but I'm leaning towards perimeter duty with Melody because I don't want anyone to get past the guards. I think your sensitivity to what's around you might help increase Melody's effectiveness. So consider that your post as well."

"Yes sir," Kurapika says, not entirely disappointed. This way he might be able to stop the Phantom Troupe before they enter the building, meaning he wouldn't have to be constricted while fighting the Spiders if it came to that. There would be more space outside the building than inside with unarmed mafia bosses who the bodyguards would have to prioritize rather than capturing or killing the Troupe.

"Any questions?"

"Yes, did her fortunes tell any of the specifics of what might occur? That way we might know what to look for," Kurapika asks.

"They are vague for the most part and only have a sentence for every week of the month. Some clients were warned not to travel up stairs or they would surely die, but this probably does not apply to you."

"I beg to differ. If we are involved in this, any details at all would help ensure everyone's safety. Are there any more details you can think of that could guarantee protection?" Kurapika presses.

"Nothing else I read stood out to me, but I do believe if we communicate and stay where we are supposed to then we should be fine. I will talk to the Boss later tonight to confirm our plan with him and if he has any more issues or concerns we will accommodate them into our plan." Dalzollene releases a long and tired sigh. "Now, I'd advise all of you to get the rest you need for tomorrow. You're dismissed."

The others stand up without hesitation, leaving Kurapika, Melody, and Dalzollene lingering around the table.

Kurapika didn't understand why they didn't allow Neon to just use her powers to help aid them in her security, especially considering someone was always around her so they would be able to find the best way to keep her safe. He considered asking this, but the words never came out.

"Fine, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." Kurapika bows slightly before leaving the room to retire back to his.

He locks the door behind him, realizing how exhausted he truly was. The room was a bit on the smaller side, but at least he had his own room to sit and think without any interruptions. The lights were always off and the curtains shut, not to allow a single ray of sunshine to seep into the room. It calmed him a bit that way, in a sense allowed him to sink deeper into his thoughts.

He lazily walks over to his bed, sitting on the edge of it with his hands folding in his lap like before.

He needed sleep, something that would take time easing into, due to his racing mind. Even so, sleep would have to be a priority if he wanted to be in his best shape to take on the Phantom Troupe.

He drifts towards the top of his bed, permitting his head to plunge into the soft pillows. His mind travels to the pillow fight Gon and Killua had while they were trapped in the prisoner's tower during the Hunter Exam.

He smiles softly, despite his fatigue and depressed state.

Hopefully they are together, safe and sound with Leorio. I hope they are all doing alright. I wonder if they have even come to Yorknew City at all like they had planned. It feels like it's been such a long time since he's seen Gon's smile, Killua's mischievous smirk and cat eyes, and even Leorio. I wonder if he's been studying hard to become a doctor like he wished. He deserves that, not to mention his kind heartedness will help many other unfortunate families. Despite his ignorance and annoying behavior at times, he was indeed one of the purest and most kind souls he had ever met.

Then he inhales deeply.

Tomorrow. I'll exact my revenge on every last Spider starting tomorrow night.

With that he fell into a restful sleep as his body numbed and his mind drifted to dreams out of his control. 


I feel like all I do it repeat how much he hates the Troupe, but I also feel like it highlights his one track mind due to his anger. So I hope it doesn't get to boring for you!

And this chapter with Kurapika was easier to write than the other one. Probably because of dialogue, but whatever.

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