Chapter Nine

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Kurapika holds his head down low as his hands are folded on his knees, eyes closed. For the past couple hours he has dedicated himself fully to his boss Neon and all that she had required. Even while working, his mind never once drifted from his main objective, the one goal that he had made his new life's mission. It was scary to think what all would come of this.

Would he even be able to live life normally once he had exacted his revenge? Would that even be possible?

Of course there was always the looming thoughts that he would die trying to complete his task.

Death was something he didn't fear, in fact, it only drove him more to avenge his brethren. His clan, after all, had to watch as one another were killed in front of each other. He was fortunate to not have endured the same situation. Even still, sometimes he wishes he had.

It was obviously the survivor's guilt. Something he experienced without having actually been physically present at the time of the devastation. He wished he had been there to do something, although without the use of nen, he knows his fate would have been cemented the same as his clan.

Maybe this was a gracious fate that allowed him to escape to avenge his brethren.

Yet this thought doesn't ease his guilt, nor his rage, only death would calm the storm of emotions within him.

A soft knock quiets his thoughts.

"Come in," he says deceptively calmly.

Through the cracked door Kurapilka sees Melody's concerned face.

"Kurapika, Dalzollene has called us together to discuss the plan for tomorrow's auction." Melody once again heard the sadness within Kurapika's heart. It was one of the strongest and loudest pieces to have ever met her ears.

"Right, of course." Kurapika stands up, walking quickly to the door and Melody. "Thank you, Melody."

Melody nods and they begin down the hall toward Dalzollene's room. He was their acting boss since Light Nostrade wasn't there and Neon had no hand in the mafia, besides her ghostwriting ability, which ironically is how the Nostrade family became as influential as they are.

Melody opens the door, allowing Kurapika to enter first who does, murmuring a soft 'thank you' as he passes. Baise, Basho, Squalla, and Dalzollene were already inside, sitting around a table that had papers and maps piled under cups of what looked like coffee.

Most of them hadn't slept the night before as they were quickly rushed to get to the auction today. Packing Neon's things took half of the night, not to mention preparing the other aspects of their trip such as transportation, hotels, and other necessities Neon couldn't live without. She was the reason many of them were already exhausted, even though it was the middle of the afternoon.

"Alright, so I'm going to make this brief so you guys can get the proper food and rest you'll need to work flawlessly tomorrow night," Dalzollene says.

Melody and Kurapika take seats around the table, seeing the others slouching and heads resting on their hands in exhaustion. Even Dalzollene showed some signs of fatigue with the bags forming underneath his eyes.

"So, there is a common rule that no weapons are permitted within the building of the Underground Auction, which ensures that no fighting between the different families takes place."

"So how will we be effective bodyguards then?" Baise asks.

Kurapika looks over to her, wondering if she realizes that her nen ability isn't a visible weapon, meaning she can still be useful if she executes her hatsu effectively.

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