Chapter Two

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As darkness begins to loom overhead, the remaining Phantom Troupe proceed to the agreed upon location. The walk had led them to a set of abandoned buildings outside of town. Old newspapers, cans, cigarette cartons, and other trash litter the ground around them. Gon looks around, a smile beaming on his face, as always. Killua was even more alert and sensitive in a secluded place such as this. He really had no reason to be afraid, he was in the midst of the Phantom Troupe after all, however this did little to ease his worrying, as he did have issues trusting the spiders in the first place. But still, he continues walking, his hands shoved into his pockets and his eyes darting all around him.

Nobunaga takes note of Killua's unease and laughs. "You scared there, kid?"

"Killua's not scared. He can take people's heads off their shoulders in the blink of an eye," Gon exclaims, excitedly.

"Not much of an accomplishment within the Troupe I'm afraid," Feitan stutters.

"I guess that means we'll fit in fine, isn't that right, Killua?"

Killua nods, absentmindedly. This was the life he was trying to escape. His father had told him not to deal with the Phantom Troupe, and although the thought of disobeying his dad amused him, he wasn't eager to enter a similar life to the one he had escaped from. He was only doing this because Gon wanted to. This was his newfound purpose until he discovered his own: stick by Gon's side no matter what. And that was what he was going to do, no matter what.

"As long as they're enthusiastic about it," Machi mumbles.

"Looks like we've made it," Franklin says, stopping in front of what looks like an abandoned church.

The rest of the party stops, craning their heads up to examine the building which was crumbling at every corner, the once beautiful stained glass windows were broken and their remnants scattered on the ground beneath their feet, and a musty smell permeated the air.

They enter the dark hallways, talk from inside guiding their feet towards the right path. None of their nen abilities, save maybe Killua, could have lit the way, but nevertheless, their instincts were more than enough to walk in the dark unhinged. Not one of their feet stumbled.

Once they turn the corner towards the voices, light pours in from the broken windows, revealing the rest of the troupe members who lay strewn across the room. The space is filled with large stone debris, probably from the caving roof and torn graffiti walls that bare less than intelligent words and gestures that are contradictory to what the church probably taught.

Gon quickly runs inside, spotting one of his other favorites in the Phantom Troupe. Uvogin sees Gon and stands up with a smile on his face. Nobunaga also rushes to their side, but trying to do so in a nonchalant way. Either way, it didn't matter, everyone knew how close the three had become. All three enhancers were a force to be reckoned with, all were so head-strong that it was hard to reel them back to actuality and logic.

As for the other enhancer of the Phantom Troupe, he had Feitan to keep him under leash. Not that it did much good, they shared the same mind most of the time, making them quite the adversary if opinions were to conflict with one another. Although Killua was a transmitter, just like Feitan, he was a little more cautious of Gon's wellbeing than Feitan was with Phink's. Maybe it's because Feitan trusted Phinks a bit more, or maybe it's because Killua cared for Gon a lot more; either way it was obvious all of these members needed to be looked after carefully. That's what Killua wanted most of all. If Chrollo could watch all the members carefully, making sure no one stepped out of line, the pressure to make sure Gon's safety would be ensured would ease the stress a bit.

"Looks like they finally made it," Phinks says. He has a naturally loud voice that echoes around the stone walls and the otherwise empty room.

Killua leans against the entrance wall, carefully observing and counting all the Phantom Troupe members that had already arrived. Him and Gon had made 12, all of the legs of the spider were accounted for. Chrollo was on an old and worn wooden stage that might've been used as a polpet when the church was fully functional. Surrounding him are unlit candles and stacks of books which seemed to have his undivided attention. The first person who had caught his eye when he walked into the room was Hisoka, seated in the windowsill of one of the broken stained glass arches. They made eye contact, each of their gazes piercing the other, studying them like a cat would make a bird in the trees their target. Hisoka's smile deepens when his gaze drifts further down to where Gon is standing with Uvo and Nobunaga.

Unamused, Killua continues counting. Chrollo. Hisoka. Shalnark. Phinks. Pakunoda. Shizuku. Uvogin. Not to mention the ones they travelled with. Machi. Nobunaga. Feitan. Franklin. And Gon and himself made all 13. Every member of the Phantom Troupe was here.

"Uvo, look what I've been working on!" Gon starts gathering all his aura to his fist using Ko, focusing hard to increase the time it takes to gather his large amount of power to one spot on his body. "First comes rock, Jajanken."

Uvo whistles, impressed with the abilities of such a young boy. "You've got a ways to go, but it's really good."

Gon releases his aura, smiling widely at Uvogin's approval. "You really think so?"

Killua's eyes travel to Hisoka, whose smile is even more terrifying than before. Killua didn't even want to begin to know what was going on inside his perverted mind.

Suddenly, Chrollo stands up, quickly gaining everyone's attention. "Since everyone is here, I think it's about time to begin."


You can't tell me Gon wouldn't be best friends with Uvo and Nobunaga.

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