•Color pt. 2•

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It has been a couple weeks since I met my soulmate aka, Beomgyu.

Of course I still don't have the courage to say that we're soulmates since he might hate it. So far I know is that he can't see the color orange since he always points at something and asks me the name of the color.

It's now like afternoon and Beomgyu and I decided that we do some painting at my house.

"Y/N sweetie I have to run some errands. If I come back home late, there's still piz- Oh who's this handsome man?" My mom paused as she saw Beomgyu in my room.

"Oh mom this is my friend Beomgyu!" He shyly waved at my mom.

"Nice to meet you Beomgyu. Well I better get going. There's still pizza in the fridge in case you kids get hungry!" I waved goodbye at my mom and I directed my attention again at my canvas.

"What are you going to paint Y/N?"

"Maybe..... dahlias under a bule- I mean blue sky." I chuckled at my tiny mistake trying to pronounce blue. "What about you?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm just gonna do abstract."

Both of us went quiet as we started mixing paint and doing our work.

I peeked at Beomgyu. He was so focused on his canvas with a small pout. His long hair keeps on covering his eyes so he had to fix it every second which I found cute. His side profile is no joke. I jus wanna boop his tall nose. His jawline is sharper than the paint knife I'm holding. Gosh forget about my painting idea a while ago, imma paint this masterpiece in front of me.

I finally snapped out of my daydreaming when Beomgyu looked at me and asked where the paint knife is.

I scratched the back of my neck out of embarrassment and I continued on my work.


"You done now Y/N?"

"Yup I just need to dry it. Is yours done? Can I see it?"

Beomgyu lifted his canvas and showed it to me. His abstract painting has different shades of blue and white splashed everywhere with random shapes and lines scattered.

Since Beomgyu is in front of me the shades of blue look so alive. I appreciate the color more when he's with me.

"I don't normally do abstracts but I just wanna try something new today!" He said as a satisfied smile crept on his face. "May I see yours?"

"O-oh yeah sure!" I lifted up the slightly heavy canvas and showed it to him.

"Oh wow..." Was all he said.

"I know it's not that amazing compared to my other artworks-"

"What do you mean??? It looks very beatiful! Especially those..... those.... ugh what color is that again?"

"It's orange dahlias."

"Right right the orenji- orangi- orangutan- orange dahlias."

I tried to hold in my laugh when he tried hus best to pronounce the word. I'm glad my pronounciation of blue isn't bad as his.

I suddenly paused. Knowing that Beomgyu is my soulmate and he doesn't know a thing that we're soulmates, it's just hard to tell if we're really meant for each other or it's a one sided soulmate kind of thing.

"Beomgyu may I ask you something."

"What is it Y/N?"

"This might be a weird question but, have you found your soulmate?" I asked while nervously biting my bottom lip.

"Yes. But the thing is, I think she doesn't know we're soulmates.... I really want to tell her because, I think she's really meant for me, but of course I don't want things to get awkward and our friendship will fall apart."

Oh... so he already found his soulmate.

"Since you already found your soulmate. I want to tell you this for a while now." I breathed in deeply.

"Beomgyu, I think you are my soulmate. Whenever you're not with me, the blue sky suddenly looks like it's about to rain, my favorite blue plushie looks so sad, and the blueberry cheesecakes that my mom always make does not look colorful and appetizing. I know you already found your soulmate and I'm probably getting on your way but I just wanna tell you that...."

He stood there silent. Staring at me with a look that I can't distinguish.

"Gyu please say something...."

"Y-you're my soulmate? HOLY CRAP YOU'RE MY SOULMATE?????"

"What's wrong????" He ran to me and hugged me tightly as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Y/N, we're each other's soulmate..."

My hands went to his back as I hugged him back.

"Thank the stars we finally found each other." He said like he was waiting for this day to finally happen.

"Beomgyu you have no idea how scared I was not finding a soulmate and end up being alone."

"Well I'm here now Y/N. I guess our journey as soulmates starts here, right now."


"Yes Y/N?"

"I-I love you..."

"Hmm, I love you too my soulmate."

.•°B O N U S°•.

Beomgyu's POV

I finished mopping the floor of the arcade as I started closing up.

I was about to go to the entrance to close the door but I saw a girl outside. She was struggling to grab the pickachu inside the claw machine. I giggled cuz I know that claw machine is rigged but at the same time I wanted to help her get it.

I was about to step outside to help her but a weird feeling came thru me.

Splashes of this weird warm color came to my vision, I stepped back as it went to random objects.

"What the hell is happening????" I said to myself.

"OKAY THAT'S IT I'M GOING HOME. I MIGHT BE SICK." I heard the girl outside. She ran away from the claw machine quickly as she just gave up on the pickachu plushie.

Did she also see weird colors???

"Did I just found my soulmate???"

.•°T H E  E N D°•.

🥑: I'm sorry the part 2 took long to publish :((

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