Then they saw Masako standing up and run to the right. That was the time where Masako went to stop them. A few seconds after, Lin came running and stopped for a second to register what happened.  He jumped down and quickly snatched Mai from Naru. And what he did next stunned all of them. Even the three who watched it first still flinched when they saw Lin slapped Naru in the video.

"What are you doing, just sitting here?!  Mai's life is in danger but all you do is cry?! Where did you rational genius brain go?!"

This is their first time hearing Lin's scolding voice so they were a bit scared by it. Lin's scary when he just stood there but he's even scarier when angry. The video stopped when Naru withdrew his PK and the camera fell to the ground. So all in all, there are numerous surprises in the video.

One, Naru has PK.

Two, Masako knew Naru has PK.

Three, Lin got angry.

Last but not the least, Naru's in love with Mai. It's clear since he almost went ballistic when Mai was covered in debris.

These are the most shocking they ever found. Bou-san quickly pulled out the flash drive in case Naru snatched it away. Yasu had a teasing smirk as John just smiled helplessly at them. Ayako stopped as if her brain was loading while Mai's face was comparable to a tomato. Masako bowed her head while Lin and Naru emotionlessly stared at the laptop screen.

"And that's another demonstration of Psychokinesis, ladies and gentlemen." Bou-san said as he played with his flash drive. He turned to the teenager who's face was livid after watching the video.

"Are you done embarrassing me?" Naru asked in a menacing voice as he glared at Bou-san and the other two. It's fine to expose his feelings for Mai but is it necessary to exposed it in front her?! Who would not feel embarrassed about this?!

"Uhm. I'm sorry, Big boss! Bou-san, I already told you it's not a good idea to play the video!" Yasu yelled out the first sentence but nervously whispered the second. Though they have been together for a few days, Naru's angry face is still scary! Bou-san coughed and cleared the nervousness in his heart.

"So Naru, who are you?" Bou-san asked as Naru raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't answer so Bou-san continued to asked.

"Is your name really Shibuya Kazuya?" Bou-san waited for him to speak but Naru didn't open his mouth. Bou-san scratched his head and sighed.

"Okay. Let's do it this way. Everyone, don't you think it's weird that the name of the director at Shibuya is named 'Shibuya'?" Bou-san asked as he looked at his friend's faces.

"Is it not a coincidence?" Ayako, who is the most curious, asked. She's the most clueless among all of them.

"Well, there are three possibilities. One, it's a mere coincidence. Two, he made the office in Shibuya on purpose and lastly, it's an alias. If it was me, the second ones would be possible but for Naru, it isn't. Then the most probable reason is coincidence but there's something that bothers me. Mai.."

"Ye-yes?" Mai asked as she woke up from daze. Her ears and cheeks are slightly pink. Yasu giggled at her while Naru watched her.

"Do you remember what Naru said when we first met?"

"What he said...." Mai tried her best to remember Naru's exact words but she knew what Bou-san is pointing at but Mai pretended not to know. It would be a surprise at the end of it. She recited those exact words after a few seconds.

"There is no reaction.  There's not much that we can do but Mai's sempai.."

"You dare to call me without honorifics!" 

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