Chapter 2

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[Minx P.O.V]

"Geez, what was that all about?" Ziegs asked. "I have no idea, completely" I answered. "Let's just go home, shall we?" She sighed. I nodded as I took my things out out of my locker. "Hey Minx. You hungry? We can buy some pizza if ya want." She suggested. "Sure"

"One Hawaiian pizza and, what do you want Minx?" Ziegs asked. "I don't really know a lot of flavors. Which one's the best?" I asked. "Depends on your tastebuds, stupid. Want some chili?" Ziegs suggested. "FUCK NO!" I shouted. "I was just joking. Just eat burgers, okie?" "Okay. I prefer burgers anyways.." I smiled.

"You know what? Let's take this thing and bring it to your house. We'll buy ten burgers on the way." Ziegs said as she took her large box of pizza from the counter. "Wait, how many?" "Ten." She answered. "ZIEGS! I'm not that fat to eat that many!" I replied annoyed. "You sure? Because it seems like you need a little exercise on those little chubby muscles of yours." She teased. "Let's just get the fuck out of here, okay?" "Hmph!"

"Hey Minx.. Ever wondered how it feels to have a boyfriend?" Ziegs asked. "W-well.. Yeah." "Well.. Do you want Ohm?" "No." I hesitated. I might say no often. But deep inside, I really do have a huge crush on him.

[Ziegs P.O.V.]

Honestly, I admire someone myself. Not Ohm, the popular guy, but his cousin. I would always feel like heaven whenever he talks to me. I wonder how it feels like to have a boyfriend.. I mean, we're in high school, right? Better be late than never. We're going to college soon! "Hey Minx.. Ever wondered how it feels to have a boyfriend?" I asked. "W-well.. Yeah." She answered. "Well.. Do you want Ohm?" "No.". She's hesitating. I know it.

We walked through a creepy alleyway and didn't talk. I'm too creeped out to have a chat. We walked straight forward to the Walmart. Minx suddenly stepped on a twig, making a cracking sound. "Hear that?" Minx asked. "What?" I asked confused. "Listen." I listened for sounds. I heard it. Whispers. "Run!" I panted. I ran through the streets pulling Minx along. I don't even care if the pizza's all messed up. I'd rather have Minx's and my life spared!

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