When we arrived I asked the question that was in the back of my mind. "What's your name anyway?" I asked trying not to sound to demanding or rude. "I'm Ban." He said looking back at me. "And yours?" I was wondering if I should even tell him my name. "It's Meliodas..." I said back. He smiled a little and picked me up yet again. "My place isn't in the middle of town so don't worry about getting seen by anyone else." He said. I wasn't really listening. I was staring at him the whole time, feeling his arms holding onto me.

We soon got to his house. It was small but it looked nice. He took me inside and I looked around. It wasn't big but it was amazing. I had never seen a human so much as their house. "This is amazing." I said, my mouth open a little. "It's alright I guess. It's no castle though." I looked at him confused. "Right. You probably have never seen one. Oh wait! Hold on!" He set me down in a chair and went into another room. I took this time to look around the walls of the room I was in. It seemed to be a kitchen, with a table and some chairs in the center. On the walls were paintings and a various weapons that I quickly looked away from. Ban soon came back with a book. He sat right next to me in another chair and opened it. He flipped through some pages until he found what he was looking for. "This is a castle. They're really big and fancy and important or rich people live in them." He said pointing to a picture of a building the looked like it was made out of stone. It looked big since there were people also standing next to it that looked small. There were a lot of windows and doors and had a lot of points. "What are those?" I asked pointing to some things sticking out of it. "Those are towers. They usually have bedrooms in them and they make the castle look nice." He said. "Wow..."

We spent some time looking at different type of buildings made by humans. Like schools, mansions, restaurants, stores, and other stuff like that. Ban also showed me cars that people used as a way of getting to places faster or easier than walking, which he also had to explain to me. He looked out the window in the room. "It's getting late. I should get to bed." He said closing the book. "You could sleep in the bathtub, though that might not be comfortable, or my bed." He said standing up. "Then where will you sleep?" I asked as he picked me up again and went to his room. "I can sleep on the couch or the floor." Ban said setting me down on his bed. It felt softer than the bed I had at home. I looked over at Ban who was putting a pillow and blanket on the ground. "Why don't you just...." I grabbed his arm and pulled him on the bed next to me. "Sleep with me in the bed..." I finished facing him. He looked at me, a light pink blush dusting his cheeks and nose. "If you're okay with it..." He said laying next to me. I saw him looking at me until I noticed I was basically hugging his arm. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I yelled quickly letting go. I heard him chuckle. "Don't worry. It's fine."

His bed was big enough for both of us but small enough so some part of our body would have to touch. I tried to stay on the edge of the bed but as a result I couldn't sleep. Though I wasn't mad at it since I could watch Ban sleep and listen to his quiet snores. He was so amazing and knew so much about the world he lived in. I slowly and gently touched my fingers to his cheek. I felt my heart speed up again and my face burn. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my chest tighten. I felt him move and quickly pulled my hand away. I thought he had woken up but he was just moving in his sleep. I sighed in relief. Until I felt his arm around my waist. I was about to say something but he pulled me so close to him that my face was in his chest. I was thinking he was going to do something to me but he just stayed like that. I calmed down and nuzzled my face against his chest with a sigh. I soon fell asleep wondering why I react in such a way around this one human.

~~Next Morning~~

I woke up thinking yesterday was a dream. I soon found out it wasn't when I still felt the soft bed under me and the walls of Ban's house around me. I was going to call back asleep until I noticed the light blue haired human was gone. I looked around and then I fell out of the bed with a loud thud. I heard footsteps and then Ban was in the doorway. "Are you okay?" He asked picking me up. "Y-yeah I'm good. I was just looking for you and fell out of bed." I mentally cursed myself again for telling him that. "Oh, well I got up earlier than you and I decided to let you sleep." He said with a smile. I nodded and he carried me to the kitchen and set me down in one of the chairs.

He soon put food in front of me and sat across from me with his own plate. It smelled good. I told a bite and froze. "What? Is it not good? Did I mess something up? I made sure not to put fish in it." He said. I shook my head at all of them. "It's so good!" I yelled eating more and quickly. He watched me with a confused but smiling face. "Well I'm glad you like it..." He said. I finished quickly and it was my turn to watch him eat. He picked up a metal thing that looked like a trident, stabbed the food, and took a bite of it. I watched him utterly confused at what he was doing. He finished and put both our dishes in the sink.

Ban looked back at my confused face. "What's up?" He asked. "Just what were you doing? You were using a think it help you eat. Why not just use your hands?" I asked looking up at him. He laughed and went up to a cabinet looking for something. "In the human world when we do might be a little messier than in the ocean. We don't know where our hands have been and can't remember everything we've touched so we use silverware to help us eat. As well as being more civil." Ban explained pulling out bandages and something in a bottle and sat down next to me. "Do you mind if I look at your tail?" He asked holding his hand out. I nodded and held my tail up. He rested it on his lap and took the stuff that was in the bottle and poured some on a cloth. "This might hurt a little." He said. He pressed the cloth against the cut on my tail. I felt a sharp pain go through me and I tightened my grip on the chair. He soon pulled it away and wrapped bandages around the wound. "That should keep it not infected until it's healed." Ban said. "Thank you." I said back, feeling butterflies in my stomach again. He looked down at my tail and gently touched it. "It's so interesting how you have a fin like a fish but the rest of your body is like a human's. It's extraordinary." He said. I saw a sparkle in his eyes making me blush.

"You know since you've told me all about your world, why don't I tell you about mine?" I said smiling at him. He nodded vigorously. I laughed and took my tail off his lap. "First we sort of have gills on our necks but we can breath above water if we need to. We have fins on our arms and back and we can see pretty well in the dark." I explained pointing to the different parts of my body. "That's cool! But what about your home? Is living different or relatively the same?" He asked getting closer to me. "Uh it's kind of the same. We have families and living in houses. Though we can't exactly cook or heat up foods under water." I explained more to him and he actually listened. He would ask the occasional question which I answered. Our worlds were completely different yet so similar. Though at home I couldn't talk to anyone like how I talk to Ban.

We talked for a while u til we noticed how long a while was. We were in silence for a while. I looked over at him and just stared. Something about this human, this one human, was different. He a actually treated me like someone. Even though I wasn't of his own kind. I just needed to know something. I put my hand on his arm and my other hand on his other shoulder. He looked at me with a questioning face. I then pulled myself onto his lap. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off by kissing him. I felt him stiffen, his eyes widening. I closed mine and moved one of my hands to the back of his head.

I eventually pulled away to see a blushing mess in front of me. "W-why did you do that?" Ban asked looling at me with the same bewildered face. "Well because...because...." I said shaking a little. Ban held onto my hand to stop them from shaking. "Don't be nervous. Just tell me." He said with a reassuring smile. I told a deep breath. "Well you're special to me. Not only because you're the first human I've ever met but because you're nice and considerate towards me. You're the first person, sea monster or not, that I've ever felt that connection with. I know it sounds stupid but I actually though that you and me....we could actually work...but we can't. I've tried to look at all the angles but nothing ever perfectly works out. I feel like I'm talking a lot. Please stop me..." I said clenching my fist.

I then felt Ban place a gentle kiss on my cheek. I put my hand where he kissed and blushed cherry red. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I feel the exact same way. We can work this out. You can stay with me or we can meet up everyday." He said excitement and joy in his eyes. I smiled and kissed him again. He kissed back, burying his hand in my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew it was going to work out. Because I knew Ban would be by my side the whole time.

2793 words
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