
Waking up in the morning for work was a struggle. I was tired from being up all night with Indie. She kept going into fits of tears and screams. Of course, Bella was being Bella all kind and considerate and took Indie to the other wing of the house so I could get some sleep but I kept waking up worried about her, was she asleep, was she okay. Was Bella okay? 

When I went downstairs Bella was rocking Indie who was sleeping as she made me breakfast. "You didn't have to do that, you should go get some shut-eye." "Every time I sit down she wakes up." She says dishing up the turkey bacon and eggs "Here you go." She handed it to me with one hand. She had cleaned the whole kitchen with one hand. "I'm going to call in stay home today." "No don't do that. It's your second day. She's fine now. I'm waiting on a call from her doctor." She tells me. "I'll call your assistant with the time of her appointment, she's trying to find someone to see her today." "I'm just going to stay home with the two of you today. Work can wait." "Not how jobs work baby." She reminded me. "No she's sick so I need to be with her. And you need to get some sleep. I don't think I've seen you this tired since season nine when we flew to Peru and you were awake for 3 days straight." She smiled chuckling to herself. "I'm fine." And her phone rang. "That will be the doctor." She says passing me Indie carefully before answering her phone. 

"Hi, Yes it is." She says politely into the phone. "Yeah we had an appointment booked but I think she needs checking over." She said. "She's thrown up a few times in the night." I didn't know that. "Once in the day yesterday..." "yeah, that would be great. Thank you." She hangs up. I already texted my assistant telling her I wasn't coming in. It wouldn't have been fair to either of them. Bella's tired and Indie's sick. She needed me. They both did. 

"Her appointment is at 1." I nodded. "You get some sleep okay. I'll wake you up so you can get ready." "No, I should stay awake with Indie... she-"I'm here... I'm her dad, I can take care of her too." She was chewing her lip. "We'll sit in the bedroom. You'll be right there when she wakes." She nodded. 


I managed to lay Indie down beside Bella as they both slept. I ran downstairs and took the dogs to the stables and let them run around whilst I mucked the horses out. Naz laid in the stables whilst the younger dogs ran around. He didn't want to leave the house yesterday so I was glad I managed to get him out even if it is only in the garden.

When I came back in Bella was awake doing her make-up whilst Indie was in her bouncer beside her. "Horses and dogs are taken care of." "Thanks." "How is she?" I asked her as I went to make our bed. "She seems fine. She's just been chilling haven't you baba." She said. "Did you manage to sleep some?" "Mhmm." She said she was lying she hadn't. She played it off that she was just concentrating on her eyeliner. "Can you pack her bag whilst I finish up with this?" "Yeah of course." "I might have left it in the car yesterday." 


"Are you sure she's okay?" Bella asked again holding Indie whilst she got her changed in the doctor's office. "Yes, Mrs Sommerhlder, she's okay. I think Miss Indiana is just being a little difficult." She touched Indie's hand and set her off crying again. Bella did he best to seem composed but I knew her well enough to see her stress levels rising. 

When we got in the car she sat in the back with Indie as she was still crying. I drove us home. "Indie, please. Please baby. Mummys tired." I hear Bella say, her voice trembled. "Indie." I looked at her through the rearview mirror. She had glassy eyes. "Can you pull over babe?" She asked. "Let me just get off the freeway." I assumed she nodded as she began to talk to Indie again. "Daddy's going to pull over and we can get you out and it's going to be okay." 

I pulled over the second I could and in no time at all Indie was out of her car seat and in arms. "Ian somethings not right." The doctor said she was fine, so she was fine. Bella's been very anxious since we brought her home from the hospital. I get it I do. "She's fine, the doctor said she was fine," I tell her. "Maybe she's not. We should take her for a second opinion." "She's not a car babe... You don't-"Ian... Something is wrong." She was getting upset. "You're tired, you're worried and you're stressed." 

We managed to comfort Indie enough to get home, we then changed her diaper and gave her a bottle before she went down to sleep. We cuddled on the sofa in the family room, I knew she just needed to be held. The second I tightened my arms around her and she was secured she broke down. "Hey, it's okay." I rubbed circles on her back as she turned in my arms to hide away in my chest. "It's okay." "I'm a terrible mum, E. I can't even comfort my own child." She sobbed. "You're an amazing mum. Don't ever say that." I tell her. "Indie is a happy baby." "No, she's not." "Isabella. Listen to me." I cup her face forcing her to look at me. "We'll figure this out. I promise you. You believe there's something wrong we'll take her to see a doctor and we'll figure this out." She nodded. "We're her parents, we know her best." I wiped her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. I kissed her forehead. "The calmer we are, the calmer she'll be." I reminded her. I knew she knew that. "Thanks for staying home today." She said as she laid down on my chest. "We're in this together." I lace our hands together. Naz jumped up on the sofa and rested his head on Isabella's legs and went to sleep there. "You tired too, old boy," I say to him. 

Bella fell asleep pretty quickly and I didn't move a muscle she needed to rest. I ended up falling asleep myself after not the best night sleep but woke up to Indie. Bella was already halfway out of the room by the time I opened my eyes. Naz was looking at her confused. "Sorry bud, she's got to get Indie," I tell him stroking him. He got off the sofa and went to his spot on the love seat. 

"Looks who's woke up with a smile," Bella said coming in with her own beaming smile. "Did you have a good nap Princess?" I asked her. She was smiling and it was such a relief to see her happy after the night we've had.

Through The Len's Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now