Chapter 14 - Final

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Cliff was currently at the back, so you moved to assist the next customer in line. "What can I help you with today si..."

To your surprise, it was Harry.

"Morales." you flush, not really expecting him to just show up like this. Still you appreciated it.

"Would you like to have coffee on your break?" you nod, playing with a lock of your hair.

"Y-yeah I'd really like that."

"Hey kid, pass me the cloth." you turn at Cliff's call, tossing it to him. He caught it easily, stopping for a second to watch Harry.

"You alright kid?"

He must have been a bit weary because of the scowl on Harry's face.

"Oh! Y-Yeah I'm fine this is Harry he's my-"

"Boyfriend, and you are?" your face palmed. He was already picking a fight. Cliff straightened, moving closer and placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm her boss. You know I think she mentioned you once. You're that old guy with a bad temper." Harry's jaw set, whether from the comment or the hand that was comfortably on your shoulder.

"F-Funny guy! Well I'm gonna take my break see you later Cliff!" you jumped over the desk, taking Harry's hand and rushing out the store. Harry kept glaring at Cliff until he could no longer see his face. Once in the clear, you sigh. Harry's gaze moved to you. "Old guy with a bad temper huh."

"T-That was back when we first met okay. In my defense you were pretty mean at the start." He still looked annoyed, but followed you down the street. "I'm starting to notice a pattern. Matt, Cliff, me?"

"C-Cliff is like a brother to me Harry, quit being paranoid." Harry wasn't an idiot, Cliff was a good looking man.

"So you're saying at no point did you find him attractive."


Damn it.

"Your fetish  is alarming, should I be worried that you might leave me for someone older."

"J-Just be quiet!!" he's lucky you were in public, otherwise you would have given him a piece of your mind.

"I swear you get jealous so easily."

"I'm not jealous." His face was telling a different story.

"Sure you aren't." It was a bit cute, that angry little face he wore when he was disgruntled.

"What about you, I'm sure it isn't a chance that you're dating me. Like them a little younger." You were just poking fun at him.

"My late wife, she was four years younger than me." You stop for a second, because there's pain present in his words. You'd never intended to bring up bad memories. Though, if you thought about it, Harry didn't seem like the type to just date any kind of person. He was even so guarded at the beginning. "Wait...Harry, have you been with anyone since your wife?" His eyes won't meet, but he still shakes his head. "I haven't."

So, why you? Why take a chance on you. You were far from his type, and as you've just discovered, age had absolutely no appeal to him when choosing a partner.

"Why did you decide to pursue me then?" You have to know. Now he looks at you. This is the first time you can say that Harry is wearing his heart on his sleeve.

"Because you're special (Y/N)."

Such a simple answer did wonders to your heart. Your abilities, to you that's what you thought was special, but the way he's looking at you, that's the real gift. Because Harry doesn't see a metahuman, or a naive little hero. No, he sees you. The person.

"A lot has happened since coming here, so much unplanned. I'm grateful that I was able to become a part of Team Flash, and I'm very grateful to have met you (Y/N) Morales."

It's like he was on a mission to make you cry.

"I love you (Y/N)." This was the second time he said it to you. The first was when you were so terrified of losing him. You love Harry you do, but back then you just couldn't get yourself to say the words. You'll always hold a fear that you'll lose the people you care for the most. But right now, that seems so irrelevant. If Harry, someone who was previously emotionally stunted, could be vulnerable, then you could do it too. He gave you the strength to.

"I love you too Harrison Wells." He's in a state of awe.

" said it. "You smile.

"I did. I love you!" Your smile becomes brighter. Safe to say his mood has changed drastically now.

"Does this mean you won't get jealous every time you see me talking to a guy."

"I wasn't jealous." you grin. "Of course not. Harrison Wells does not get jealous. That's for us regular people."


He really is a piece of work, but you know that your life, it wouldn't be the same without him.

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