Chapter 7

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Week One

"Are you sure you have it this time (Y/N)?" you nod.

"Got it Cisco, fire it up."

Cisco doesn't look as convinced, but you insisted that if you wanted to get a handle on the blast, you'd need to first understand the strength of each. Cisco created a small field that would measure the volume of energy you were projecting. So far every time you even managed to fire one, the backlash would send you flying. Similar to the power of a shotgun. This time you were padded in armor.

"I still believe this is a reckless idea. Ramon, have you even run a test to determine how much power your barrier can absorb?"

"Could you stop being so negative Harry, of course I checked. Partially." you raise your brow. Cisco just shakes his hand. "Don't worry about if anything happens I'll just vibe the energy to a different location, you'll be fine."

"Well, that's good enough for me. Unlike Harry over there I have faith in your technology. "

"Thank you (Y/N). It's nice to feel appreciated for once. "

Harry has that look on his face, like he's just waiting for something to go wrong. You ignore it, charging up the energy in your hand. The panels that Cisco modeled are facing your direction. Once it's somewhat concentrated, you push it out with a yell towards panels. Cisco is standing right behind the panels in case it's unable to suck up the energy. What he doesn't really account for is it bouncing back.

"Shit!" you don't have a chance to jump out of the way. The blast hits you square in the chest, knocking you right off your feet. You're thrown to the other wall, hitting with a harsh thump as you slide down the wall. Cisco blinks, dumbstruck. 

"Uhhh, my bad."

You groan, as you raise your eyes, you've landed right at Harry's feet. He doesn't need to speak, his face says it all. You just drop your forehead on the ground.

"Fudge you grandpa." you grumble.


Week Two

"(Y/N) stay below and make sure he doesn't get away, we'll handle securing the bomb."

"But I can help Barry just let me!" 

There's a short in your ear piece. You look up at the building a bit frantic. You've lost connection with him, and even though he insisted you stay below, how could you.

The glass above your head breaks, a rumbling echoing even from your distance. Adjusting the temporary mask on your face, you start scaling up the side of the building. A takes a few minutes, but you climb through the blown out window. Coughing a few times, you swat the smoke away from your face. Finally making it inside, you spot Barry. His suit is in shreds, but there's no longer anyone else on the floor. When he sees you his eyes spring open.

"(Y/N)? Where Clive?" he questions. Clive being the very bad man that tried to blow up his boss and steal from his safe.the both of you look out when you hear the screeching of tires taking off down the road. You look back at Barry laughing awkwardly. "Heh, sorry about that." he shakes his head right before he's zipping after the car.

So maybe being a superhero wasn't as easy as you thought.

Week Three

"I-I wasn't trying to take control I just wanted Barry to see that I could handle it."

"You almost blew up the entire third floor!" Harry's yell pissed you off. You were tired of this.

Barry can tell that your intentions are good, but he still believes you need more practice before you could handle a task solo. He remembers just how headstrong he was when he first got started. 

So he isn't surprised by your enthusiasm to dive into each problem and fix it. The only problem was you were still getting the hang of your abilities, especially the untamed blast that tended to shoot from your palms. He doesn't want to break your spirit, but your most recent stunt could have hurt a lot of people.

"Harry's right (Y/N). You need to be more careful. "

You can't believe this. If anything you thought at least Barry would be on your side. Being the youngest on the team didn't help either. They were still looking at you like a child. You weren't a kid. You were an adult, and if they weren't going to treat you like one, then maybe this was the wrong place for you.

"I'm sorry I'm such a challenge. It's not like I try to screw things up. "

"(Y/N) that's not what I'm saying."

"It's what you should be saying, Allen." Barry looks over at Harry. Why does it feel like he's trying to add fuel to the flame?

"You keep babying her with no real punishment. Actions have consequences. You could have killed those people all because you refuse to follow orders. What if the Flash hadn't made it in time, then what?"


"You don't think before you act. You're careless, and childish. You insist that we treat you like an adult but you keep making impulsive decisions. "

This was going sour fast, Barry wasn't sure what to say. You looked on the brink of tears, and Harry appeared to be just getting started with his lecture.

"Harry enough."

The hurt in your eyes had Barry's heart clenching. He hated to see you that way. Harry didn't look the least bit phased, or apologetic.

"The truth is painful, but you need to understand that this isn't a game."

You already knew. But it's obvious Harry has already made up his mind on your capabilities.

"I do, and you're right. If being a hero means you get to be an asshole 24/7, then I don't think I'm cut out for it." 

You walk past him, and Harry doesn't look you in the eye. Barry just watches as you leave. Once you're gone he's ready to turn his lecture on Harry, but is stopped by the look on the older man's face. There's a strong look of regret. When Harry notices his stare, he fixes his glasses, leaving the room too. Barry just stands there, alone and utterly confused.


That afternoon when you went into work you were thoroughly exhausted. Between the weeks of training and practical failures, all you really wanted was to sleep it off. Unfortunately with college and a job, that wasn't possible. Cliff notices your disgruntled expression and he just laughs.

"Not sure I really need to tell you but you look like shit kid."

"Thank you for that astute observation Cliff, that's exactly what any girl wants to hear. "

"You're welcome." He tosses your coveralls. "Get to work, these cars ain't gonna fix themselves. "

"End me now."

It was possible that all these extracurriculars were taking a toll on your sanity. 

Harry Wells x Meta Reader (Flash)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang