Chapter 8

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A knock on your apartment door isn't what you expect on Friday night. You haven't been back to STAR Las since the fallout, which was approximately a week ago. You've also been avoiding all calls and text from Barry, Cisco and Caitlin. You sort of guessed it would only be a matter of time before one of them showed up. So far, your avoiding skills have been on point. With classes and your job, you barely even had to try.

"Alright Barry, I know what you're gonna say. So whatever pep talk you've prepared it's not going to change anything I'm not-" The man behind your door is definitely not Barry.

"Morales." Comes Harry's dry tone. Without a second thought you close the door, but he pushes his foot between the entrance.

"What do you want!"

"To talk." He replies.

"Think you said a whole lot last time. Made your thoughts pretty clear. I'm done so just leave me alone."

"I wasn't trying to discourage you."


"Okay, maybe I was, but not for the reasons you think. "

"I don't give a shit what your reason was!" you push at the door to shove him back, but Harry forces himself in. He knows in a battle of strength he won't win, so he uses your alarm to his advantage. Once he's inside he shuts the door, glaring at you. 

"Would you stop acting like a juvenile and just listen to me!!"

"Says the man that yells and throws shit around. "


"Ooooh! I'm quaking in my boots. You know you don't scare with that tactic, I can literally throw you across this room without breaking a sweat. Literally."

"I didn't come here to argue with you."

"Then what did you come for, please enlighten me. Last time you were pretty direct on what you wanted. I'm gone. So just let me be miserable in peace." He takes a step closer, and you really don't like the way his eyes have a way of silencing you whenever you're pissed at him.

Somehow he must know what he does.

"Stop...just stop doing that.." His very presence just has you vulnerable. You hate it so much. Why does Harry of all people have such a hold on your feelings? Maybe that's why his words hurt so much.

"I never intended to make you feel useless. If you believe nothing else that I've said, then just believe that."

"Then why say it? You make me so angry because you walk around like you're the smartest person in the room. We may not all be geniuses like you but we're still people. Words hurt Harry, especially when they come from someone you admire. "

"You" you scoff.

"Of course I do. Harry, you came from another earth to save your daughter. I can't imagine how it must have felt constantly being compared to a freaking psychopath speedster. Despite all that you stayed, even made a family here. That's incredible."

The only other person that you even see as family is Cliff. Growing up with just your brother, it was never easy for you to trust. Your parents left, and at the back of your mind you always thought one day Leo would get tired of you and leave too. But he protected you, down to the very end. Opening yourself to that kind of pain, you didn't see the point so you had no problem keeping everyone at arm's length.

"I sort of get why I'm so bad at taking orders now. Trust issues kind of do that to you." Your chuckle lacks humor.

Harry isn't the only one at fault. A lot of the mistakes are of your own doing.

"I'm sorry." you lament.

Harry reaches out, and this time, it's with extreme caution. He takes your hand in his, and you squeeze, offering a smile.

"So am I."


The tension has died out, and now you and Harry are seated on the couch, sipping on coke. Harry smirked when you first offered the beverage. A subtle hint on the reflection of your age. You barely had any alcohol. Now that the air isn't as strained, you feel a bit more at ease.

"When I told Barry I became a hero because I wanted to help people, I lied."

Harry waits for you to elaborate. "I did it because..because I felt guilty. "

Curling and releasing your fists, you try to search for the right words. 

"I couldn't save Leo. He was at the office late because of me. I was mad at him for taking all the extra hours at CCPD, turns out he was just doing it so he could pay for the trip to Japan for my birthday. I've wanted to go there since I was a kid, it was a stupid dream that I gave up on ages ago. But he didn't and I made him feel like shit for it."

Harry could see the slight tremors in your hand. As much as he wanted to assure you that there was no need for you to continue, he had a feeling that you needed to get this out.

"I went down to the station that night to yell at him for being a worthless brother. When I got there, the precinct was quiet. Right then I should have known something was wrong. I-I got through the door and there were bodies everywhere. Leo was on the other side of the room, and that monster, h-he was so close to me and..I froze.." the tears slipped through, and Harry took your hand in his.

"H-He yelled for me to run, b-but I froze. I couldn't do anything. L-Leo shot at him and before I knew it, Leo was faced down on the floor, dead. H-He could have killed me but he just left me there. I wish he'd kill me that night."

Harry looks enraged. "Don't you ever say that!" He's fuming, and it's then that you take in the lack of space, as well as the crestfallen look in Harry's eyes at your confession.

"He loved you, that's what family does. They risk their lives for the ones they care about." Harry pulls you into his side, and you welcome the embrace.

For the rest of the night, you just sit there on the couch, curled up next to Harry. As unpredictable as the night has turned out, right now Harry's company feels like exactly what you need. 

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