Chapter 2

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Barry had been zipping from screen to screen all morning. It was starting to give Harry a migraine. Not just that but it was hard to work on anything when your blueprints were being tossed in the air every other second.

"Allen." Harry warned through clenched teeth. Barry skated to a stop, rubbing his neck.

"S-Sorry." Cisco twirled the sweet in his hand, kicking his legs back on the desk.

"Did you get anything else, maybe a piece of hair or something?" Cisco joked. He was tapping on the computers to go through the list of metas they'd already recorded. Even some that they had yet to encounter. He couldn't find any with the type of abilities that you displayed, at least not good metas.

"No, I barely got a good look at her face."

"Are you sure it was her?" Cisco questioned.

"I'm positive. Cisco you should have seen her. She jumped that building like it was a puddle of water on the floor. Not just that but she was perched on the side of the building like a..a.."

"Spider." Harry finished.


Cisco squints. "Usually I'd come up with a catchy name but I'm pretty sure there's a copyright on the ones I'm thinking of." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Now isn't the time Ramon." Comes Harry's rough snark. Barry knows better than to get between the two men when they get started.

"Why are you so interested in her anyway?"

"Cause she's one of the few metas that isn't trying to take over the world or rob a bank."

"True." Cisco bites down on the twizzler in his hand.

"So what you wanna recruit her, gonna be hard if we can't even find out who she is."

Barry figured as much. With no name to start with, he realized he'd just have to wait. If you really were out there being a hero, he'd run into you one way or the other.


"Morales you're up!" you grabbed the cloth from the ground, sliding out from under the truck.

"I do have a first name. You know Cliff, you can try using it. " He just smirked.

"And where's the fun in that kid." he nudged your arm and you giggled, heading over to the client. As far as the boss went, Cliff was pretty solid. Tall and bulky, about in his fifties with blond hair and dark eyes. He ran his very own business in which you were a steady worker. Not many guys thought girls made good mechanics, so you were glad he gave you a chance to prove your skills. Part time as a student, and working here was pretty much your life. Well that and your new secret pass time. Handing the customer the needed paperwork, you wheeled in the car to check the damage.

"I heard you guys were the best in town so I really hope you can save my baby. She's been with me through so much. I really don't want to have to get rid of her. " you shook your head. 

"Don't worry, once we do the inspection we should know what's wrong. From what I can tell it's a pretty old model, it may take a while to get the parts, but it's fixable. " The male behind the desk smiled as he handed you the complete documents.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem sir." Just like that he was off, and you smiled.

Another plus about your job was pleasing your clients. They weren't always as nice as your present one. But more than not your customers would leave content. That's all you could really hope for.

"Hey, did you see the news?" you crane your neck in Cliff's direction.

"No, what's up?" you ask, slipping the pen behind your ear as you sift through the papers.

"There's a new hero running around. " He gestures to the tv, and you drop the wrench in your hand at the video of you in the building. Cliff turns at the noise and you're scrambling to get the tool. "S-Sorry a bit clumsy sometimes." He laughs, looking back on the screen. You're thankful that from the angle the cameraman has gotten they can't make out your face under the hood.

"Looks like a chick." he speaks absentmindedly. You're laughing nervously. 

"I-I mean can you really tell. T-That view is really blurry."

"You're right." He takes a step closer, narrowing his eyes. 

"You know, she looks kind of familiar." he mutters. "Don't you think?" you shake your head vigorously. 

"Nope, not even a bit. Wanna give me a hand with this." The smile on your face is a bit forced and Cliff raises an eyebrow.

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not!" you defend.

"Whatever, scoot over rookie, let the pro show you how it's done." 

He's away from the tv, and you breathe a sigh. Cliff takes the wrench from you with a grin, and you can't stop the smile on your face. Cliff was your boss, but more than anything he was a mentor to you. You appreciated the way he looked out for you. Cared for you as if you were his own kid. He treated all his workers like his actual family, which is something that was quite rare these days. 

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