Half Human Half Monster and What The Hell

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Sans pov

I was still processing. But she seemed human but she had a monster soul. "I uhhh what" I was so confused.

"SANS" I said I was awake. "Hurry you'll be late" I was very confused. But something definitely changed. Why? Because when I opened the door papyrus's height changed.

"Uhh pap your shorter" he was as tall as me. Which was something. I mean he was as tall as Undyne if not taller. 'Did I do this' I then turned. 'Crap' "actually bro I'm not feeling too hot I'm going to stay home for today" he asked if I was just going to laze around. "Maybe. But anyway bro I'll be down in a little" he said ok and the teenage skeleton went downstairs.

"Sans" I closed the door and they saw I was having a panic session. I looked at the board and noticed nothing written on it. She let me finish my panic attack. "Uhhh thank you" I glanced at her and checked.

Act>> check>> Frisk 1 attack and 10 def.

A scared being

I stopped and yes I can use the battle options outside of the battle. "You said your name was Frisk right" I examined her skin and eye. "Looks like you seem outta place but then again you just did kill everyone and did something. It wasn't like any reset I've been in. It took us back to when we only had three souls" I looked out of the window.

"Sans I'm sorry. I know that won't fix anything. But I've learned my lesson" I asked what that was exactly. "One is don't make you mad" I said true. "Another is that Chara is wrong" I nodded but my eyes widened well I'm a skeleton so speaking in human terms. "Sans what's wrong" I teleported away after telling her not to move.

I got to the ruin doors and then entered and looked everywhere to see if that demon child was anywhere. But I noticed something when I got to the fall. It was a glitchy flower. A red rose in a patch of golden flowers. I checked it and two words came up.

Don't pick

So I didn't. Instead so no one saw it I covered it up with the dirt and painted it yellow. "Now no one will tell the difference demon child" I turned and teleported out. I then got home and she was still in the same spot.

"Where did you" I said to check something and left it at that. "Uhhh can we have a fresh start" she held out her hand. "Please" I sighed and I felt no soul power like before. "Thank you" her smile lit up the room.

"But now I have to explain why a human was in my room to my brother. But of course lying is important." But then I realized something, 'wait that means that flower' I got agitated but I was used to that flower. "Lying about this type of thing is important. Also don't tell Gaster no matter what" she nodded. "Ok now lets have you meet my brother" we both walked downstairs and pappy noticed the human and bolted towards them. "Hold on Pappy" I stopped him as he summoned a blaster. "They are not quite human" he stopped. His blaster is much stronger than mine. Well until I start using my magic eyes. Well was.

"Then what are they?" I said I'll figure that out later. "You know the new head of the Royal guard will be picked tomorrow. Are you excited you could be chosen" he said and the memory was coming to me and I did my reaction like I did when I was this young. "But that's besides the point, what do you want for your birthday" my memories were coming to me in quick flashes.

"I uhhh. No pappy I have everything already" he wasn't hoping for that answer. "Come on bro it's a chill day out so why not hang outside" I said, noticing Flowey outside the house. "Wait I know" I turned to the kid. She didn't like the look in my many eyes. "Let's do a magic lesson. What do you think" he said it was an amazing idea. "Relax kid, I'm sure you'll do great" I said. "But I want to examine your soul a little more" Pappy mentioned I'm a science nerd. "At least I'm not abscessed like a certain father of ours" I grabbed both of them and warped to the ruins door away from the creepy flower.

When we got there I asked them to sit down and I examined the soul. "Interesting" I said looking at the soul. "Hey Pappy, can you go get something from my sentry station" he did and when we were alone. "Ok listen here kid. Just because you don't have reset anymore doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm sure you're aware of the other monster with determination besides me" she said Flowey. "Bingo. He has the ability to reset. But one more thing kid" she listened closely and paled. "He has killed monsters and hasn't reset to return them. He has killed and left them dusted. He kills for fun and sport like another certain person did before" she looked down. "But that's besides the point, thanks bro" he gave me the ketchup.

"S-so I can use magic" I said we have to find out the type. "Now skeletons specialize in" I turned her soul blue and held them down. "Blue magic. Tori the woman behind the door over there is especially good using green and flame magic" she asked orange. "The king and Gaster" she said ok. "But" I asked for her hood to be put down.

Frisk POV

"But" he motioned for my hood. 'Did he already notice or did he........ remember the true reset' was my only thought. I put my hood down. It also seems he refused to show the true extent of blue magic like he did on me. "Oh that's some eye you got there. It also seems so familiar actually........ But eh magic lesson time" I was a little nervous.

He then stood in front of me and just put his hands in his pockets, "alright kid" I had no idea what to do. "Oh right for blue magic since skeletons are the only ones that usually have blue magic you have to imagine grabbing my soul. He made it manifest in front of him. "But you have to really want to grab it. Like clutch and never let go" how he explained it was kinda dark and it seemed Papyrus gave me the 'you'll get used to it' look.

"A-alright" he also mentioned that using your arm would be good for beginners. I held my arm out with my palm facing him. I then tried to focus but nothing happened. "It's different for everyone. Heck bro still hasn't got the hang of it yet" for example Papyrus showed me he couldn't even hold down a random froggit. "But I would say Gaster is better at it" I thanked him. "But since you look like a human you have to have something to defend yourself. Preferably magic" he said and then I heard heavy large footsteps in the snow.

"Sans" I turned and noticed it was Asgore. "Oh hello there" I hid behind the sentry station. "Oh no need to be scared I mean no harm" I slowly came out of hiding. I could tell at first when he saw me he thought I was human. "Hello I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Asgore Dreameer. Howdy" he said with a smile.

"H-hello my name's Frisk" he then asked if Sans would go with him.

I stared at my hand. 'Monsters are made of magic. So if I'm a monster what type of magic do I use' I thought to myself. I kept trying, "Sans says pushing yourself will only tire you out faster" he said and I stopped.

"Hey kid" I turned to Sans. "Come on, we're heading to Gaster. Keep up" I hurried to catch up with him. We walked through waterfall and it wasn't the same as all the other times.

But one more thing we passed many monsters. But none tried anything. "You're asking yourself why aren't they attacking me. Well" he turned and his red magic eye was on me. "You're one of us now" he then turned back around. "Just don't betray our trust. You're not all powerful anymore. So behave" he said and when we entered hotland I noticed the gate was only starting to be built.

We then entered the lab and I noticed that I couldn't see the save point anymore. We then saw Gaster and I noticed Alphys looked younger. "Alphys have you seen my atomic wrench" I sweat dropped. "Oh Sans it's rare I get a visit from you. Also who's your friend" he pushed me towards the doctor.

Sans POV

I pushed the kids over because I made a promise not to make a habit of being around him too long. "Just something is bothering me. Can you please check out the kid's soul? I can't make heads or tails of it" it seemed to surprise the royal scientist.

"Stumping my son is quite the achievement. But don't let it go to your head. But please step into the x-ray" he asked and the kid followed directions. When the picture came up if my jaw could open it would drop. "Dear lord"

"What are they"

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