Monsters and Soul

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Frisk POV

"Howdy I'm flowey the flower and welcome to the underground" I was dumbfounded the book was right. "Your new to the underground aren't you. Someone's got to teach you how things work down here. I guess little ol me will have to do" suddenly a red heart appeared in front of me. "That's your soul, the very combination of your being" he then went on to explain that I needed to get stronger. Suddenly white pellets appeared. "I'll give you some LOVE. Just run into the friendliness pellets" he then sent them at me.

I shouldn't have trusted him. My HP dropped to one in a split second. "You idiot here it's Kill or Be Killed HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" then suddenly a fireball got him and made him run away.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner" I looked out of the corner of my eye and noticed the girl's eyes widen "I'm Toriel, caretaker of the ruins. Please follow me I'll take you somewhere much safer" I decided to follow and somehow the girl was dragged along like by force. I followed her and was met with this shiny, star thing. When I touched it it pulled up a window. I apparently saved progress just like a video game.

But I continued to follow and she guided me across a spike trap. But at the same time we crossed the other side, "Tori you forgot something. Their HP is low" I looked at what appeared to be a menu and he was right. The voice stayed in the shadows but I did notice the grey light that was almost visible. "I'll be going back to work. Nice seeing you Tori" I then heard clinking walking away. Then the women actually healed me.

We walked through and she showed me how to do some puzzles. But pretty much the only independent thing was walking down the hallway. She hid behind a column but came out when I finished my walk. But she left to do something after giving me a phone.

"She's changed," the girl said. "What's your name" I asked since it seemed like no one else noticed her. "Chara and you" I smiled.

"Frisk" it was quiet. "She's taking awhile" she said why not leave. "Well she told us to wait" she mentioned we would never really get much independence. "Well I guess you're right" so I went forward and when I got outside I noticed the glowing thing again. So I did what I did last time.

But as I was walking I realized she wasn't here so I had to figure out the fighting thing myself. "This time dodge what's coming at you" I said fine as I tried to avoid conflict at all costs. "What are you doing?" she added as I moved to the next hallway.

When I was in the hallway it was a clear obvious trap. "So obvious" I approached the cracked tile and jumped over it. I then continued, "Hey Frisk, how old are you?" I said twelve. "Wow same" but we came to what looked like someone sleeping. "You can't walk around him so wake him up" I tried to move him but I just entered a battle.

Act> Check

Napstablook is sad

My turn then ended and I tried to dodge the tears but got hit a few times. "Fight back" I ignored that and cheered up the monster so they wouldn't be sad anymore. He in the end put a hat on more like made it out of tears and of course I didn't question it. But after he left with a smile on his face. When he was gone, "hmmm this will be interesting" Chara said and I said answers is why I fell. "To what" I pulled the book from my bag and since she couldn't flip through it I assisted. "So you want to hear both sides of the story" I nodded. It seemed like she was thinking and it seemed like she came up with an idea.

"Hold on now I remember" she said. "I remember that voice now" I asked whos voice. "The one in the shadows" we continued walking and solving puzzles.

But we eventually reached a house and Ms. Toriel was outside about to call our phone when she noticed me. She immediately checked if I was ok then insisted I go inside. "Ask her" the girl that I already figured out that was hooked to me said. I'm smart. But before I had a chance she said I should rest, "I think we should take her advice" so I did and walked into the room and went to bed.

But little did I know that something was already being planned out.

Now I know it seems like I'm rushing but I'm trying to get to the Sans encounter as fast as possible.

Immortal Weapon (Undertale au)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon