The Fight Of A Life Time and Thats Pretty Unfair

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Frisk POV

"Names Sans. I'm the judge" his skull was facing the floor. But I did notice the axe in his hand. "You've been quite busy I see. Then again so have I. I mean it took forever to put these everywhere. You know I made a promise to the lady behind the doors. She asked to protect the next human to come through the ruin doors" when he raised his skull his eyes were complete pinpricks and wind was let off from him. But I didn't let it push me away. "You know I would rather be sleeping the day away right now" I took a step forward. "Oh" it was fast, the axe was thrown not at me. I heard the blade enter the wall with a pound behind me. When I looked I saw the save point was completely destroyed. "Yea I know everything you're capable of doing" I was nervous and a little scared. I saw him walk over and pull a sword out of the wall with such ease. When I tried to grab something from the floor it wouldn't budge. So I checked it.

Check-- sword: infinity


'This is bad.' "What's wrong, human?" I noticed he didn't have any weapons in his body. But I took one more step. "Oh my. You still want to fight. I'll give you another chance. Kid if you make one more step you're in for a real bad time" I noticed something odd. His left eye socket's dark black turned white and a black magic eye appeared. "Do you think even scum can change into a good person?" I noticed I entered a fight only the box didn't appear in front of me nor did my soul come out.

"Don't faultier" she said. I was trying to think. But I could tell it was about to start. But what he said.

"Dust is scattering in the wind.............. War is raging................... But on days like these. Kids like you" suddenly his right eye turned a bright light blue. "Should be eating a blade' he jumped at me and it was so fast. All I felt was the feeling on the end of my mouth and I was back at the resort.

That's when I screamed. I was breathing in and out quickly. "S-s-so he just doesn't use magic" I was shaking. "I-I" I almost couldn't say anything. "I thought I wouldn't be coming back" I said and Chara cleared something up.

"He did everything correctly. He destroyed the save point, intimidated you, and used something that you were already aware could kill another living person. So he scared the living shit out of you. He seems like a master intimidator. He also mentioned he was a judge. Meaning he already knows how we died. So chances of him using the same move twice is probably slim. We have to stay on our toes for this fight. Are you ready for round two partner" I shakingly stood up.

"O-ok" we then made our way back and when we did I noticed the save point wasn't there. But another thing I only felt something begin to touch my head and I was back where we started. But I went right back.

"You look frustrated. I mean it was supposed to be a sneak attack. Come on now" "remember when we checked him before his defense was a 1" I nodded and he went to attack and it seemed like Chara was somehow wrong because I slashed as I dodged. But when I looked back I was surprised. I then checked him and our eyes widened.

Check>> Sans>>‎ ATK 6840758307656382006845380584357495027 DEF: INFINITY


My eye twitched. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your face" I asked how the hell he could have infinite health. "A lab experiment gone wrong. I could also tell you my LV if you would like" I was scared. "576034635729104762539047254638405927537829049" I did a dumbfounded faint.

"We can't beat him" I said to myself but I felt myself pushed out of my own body. "Chara, how did you?" I noticed her appearance and mine swap as well. The shirt actually switched to her green and I noticed my eye stayed with me while hers I actually saw her bright red eyes.

"Oh so the other one wants to play. Hello again number one. It's been quite a long time Chara. I would remember that bloodlust anywhere" I looked between the two and noticed her shaking. "Oh what's this you feel sorry for what you did. That's rich" I noticed a black bone appear and our soul still didn't appear. "Now then come at me"

"Dirty killer" 

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