The Time The Judge Steps Forward

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(In this AU I'm making it Chara)

Sans POV

61 resets is what happened well until my memory blanked. But I was standing on a branch.

Frisk POV

I decided after a very very long thought process. It was driven onto this. I wanted something different. So I chose it. A different outcome. I mean you could tell by the LV I was at was 4. Nothing really changed yet except some dialogue. But actually one thing did change. Chara thought actually the same thing. But one thing did change. "Well it is something different" I said because I didn't encounter Sans at the bridge. But it was a mistake in not letting it not bother me.

But I gained LV. "HUMAN" I was in the Papyrus fight. "I find you have strain to a path that is not so wise. As I say a mistake can always be fixed if you just stop" he offered a hug. "A hug of forgiveness" I walked to him. I slashed him and what he said tore at me a little. He dusted differently. His head fell to the ground. *Coughed* "My brother did say I was always to kind hearted. I think you could do a little better even if you don't think so" I walked past him as he finished.

Sans POV

I was Judging them. It was my job. I also did something I swore I would never do. Never since I have been in the underground. I removed the cloth on the board revealing my power. "Pappy I'm sorry" I said while picking up his scarf and watched the human walk away with my pinpricks full circles again. But my soul was indeed still broken. In fact I'm stronger than I have ever been. I also had several weapons inside of me. I had two swords through my left shoulder to my right hip. So longswords. I also had several knives covering and stabbed inside of my arms. I also had the spear replacing my spin of course. I also saw the human save at a save point.

Yes I can see them. My ATK AND DEF have also changed. But the other scary part was that I had a huge bundle of more weapons in a giant sack the same size as our home. But I teleported to the Last Corridor to prepare. I knew they would have a tough fight against Gaster so I had time.

Frisk POV

I also actually noticed something different when we left snowdin. The save points were blood red. "That's different" I also noticed something odd. Whenever I see my reflection my right eye is red. The Pinprick turned from a solid greyish to a solid red. But one thing that was different I noticed sure I still got stronger one my way to fight Undyne but something was different. I met a different monster at the bridges.

"I told Undyne and Alphys to evacuate everyone to safety. You won't be getting past me" he said as he looked at me and I noticed something different. Both his eyes were different. His right was orange and his left a bright blue. I then entered a fight, "come at me. Even if you defeat me you won't be completing your objective" he said and when I checked him I was beyond shocked.

Check>> ATK 59 DEF %^#&()

Gaster isn't so passive anymore.

I got ready as my soul appeared. "Now die" I noticed many hands appeared around him. Each shot a different color laser. I did what was told on blue and orange but each color did something different. The purple made it so everything was backward when it hit and the yellow shocked me. But it was eventually my turn and I got his hp down only a little. "If I were to fail my sons would be disappointed in me" I dodged the blasters that appeared and fired the standard white. The damage and pattern were sporadic. But then again I never fought him so I died several times. "I know I'll die here. You're a human and determined" I kept attacking and whittled down his health until I finally got him. "Huh death feels funny. But then again you won't survive" he dusted away.

I actually got to LV fifteen from one fight. I was at ten before. "Thats a lot" I kept on my way and continued. But something happened when I reached the Last Corridor. When I looked around my heart dropped. I saw every weapon with a blade you could think of sticking out of the floor, walls, and ceiling. I saved and continued and the bells rang again.

He stood there silent until ".................Human" his voice sounded so different. It was so cold.

"Names Sans and I'm the Judge"  

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