Future Date - Sasuke

Start from the beginning

"If that's the case. Would you like to go on a date with me today? The whole day?" he was excited and knew your answer but even though you two were happily dating there was still that worry that the woman he loved could possibly turn him down. 

"I'd love to" you responded with the brightest smile on your face that it caused Sasuke to have to take off his places and rub his eyes.

"Is there any place you'd like to go to? I'm sure there are many things you liked to do now we are back" Sasuke himself also had a list of all the places he would like to take you now the sky was your limit.

"I don't mind where we go, as long as I get to stay by your side" you winked at him, wanting to get a reaction out of him and the reaction was even better than you thought. 

Sasuke blushed slightly despite himself, promising himself to get you back for that later. He coughed and started speaking.

"We'll leave after you've eaten breakfast then. You keep eating and I'll go and start the car" he replied as he stood up and took his bowl to the sink before taking the keys from the coffee table and heading out of the front door.

Confused you got up for a moment and investigated the sink to see an empty bowl, it was the bowl he used but when did he have the time to finish his breakfast, you could have sworn he had only taken one or two spoonfuls up to his mouth during your conversation. You smiled and thought to yourself 'he's still ever the ninja'.

You sat back down and quickly finished off your own cereal and then put the bowl in the sink. Before heading out the front door to meet up with Sasuke at the car you applied a bit of makeup, if you were going on a date with the man you loved then you wanted to be looking your hundred percent best.

Opening the front door and heading down the steps with your bag jingling with each step you took. You saw Sasuke leaning up the passenger side door, as soon as you got close to the car he held the door open for you. Always a gentleman you thought.

"Come this way your highness" he joked and you laughed at his goofy side. Giving him a ladylike curtsy before you slipped into his car and sat down into your preheated seat, courtesy of Sasuke of course. 

You watched him walk round the other side of the car through the windshield. Opening his own door, he sat down gracefully and turned the key in the ignition before placing his hands at ten and two on the wheel. 

Before he set off though he reached over and buckled your seat belt for you as you were struggling. 

When he leaned over to place his hand at the back of your chair while he looked out the back window as he was backing out of the driveway you nearly squealed at this cliché act.

"Off we go" he announced before gunning down the street, slowing down when he was out of the car free street. You'd seen him drive plenty of times by now but you still couldn't help but be surprised every time, you spend so much time in the 16th century that 21st century things that should be normal to you just seem so out of this world. 

He drove so smoothly that you wouldn't think for a second that he once took a 4-year break from driving. Ever the genius. You watched his face in profile as he concentrated on the road in front of him.

About 20 minutes later he was turning the car into the driveway of a cinema. Today was going to be a fully modern date. 

Sasuke and you stood at the machine and bought the tickets for the movie you were going to watch today. Both of you had watched the first The Conjuring movie already and the other day in the comfort of your living room you both watched the second instalment but today was the release of the third instalment.

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