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It was the last lesson on a Friday afternoon. The sun was mercilessly beating down on the classroom. Why did this last lesson have to be something as boring as math? Couldn't the teachers somehow think to themselves that this was a bad idea? Karl was actually good at math, only today it was just too hot and too late to concentrate.

Karl puffed in boredom and turned away from Mrs. Miller, who was explaining something to those in the front row. Karl sat alone at the table in the second to last row. Of all things, Chris, Jimmy, and the others didn't have math with him, although it would be a lot less boring with them. Just as he was about to look at the math problem again, which he had given up on, he heard a shocked yelp. The girl one row in front of him, he had forgotten her name, nudged her friends next to her from the side to point out the window.

Karl followed the girls' gaze and looked out the window. The sun was hidden by large and gray clouds. That wasn't the worst of it, as the clouds slowly but surely rippled into a tornado. It was not small, it was abnormally huge.

"What the honk," murmured Karl and his hands began to shake. Even though the attention of the others was directed outside, he quickly hid his hands in the front pocket of his colorful hoodie.
"What, so suddenly?" said people behind him. This was not normal. No way. Karl's heart began to beat faster and his throat became dry.

I hate this. We are all going to die, he thought. The tornado grew larger and larger and raced towards the school building at a speed that was unnatural even for tornadoes. It destroyed everything in its vicinity and immediately warning sirens sounded throughout the city. Karl had the feeling of looking his death directly in the eye. The teacher was overwhelmed. She was not prepared for a tornado, as it was not common here for a tornado to rip through the city.

The students immediately jumped up and packed their things in a panic while the teacher tried to calm the students down. Karl was still looking at the same spot. Around him, the screams and terrified yelling became quieter and the only thing he could hear was the sirens around him as the tornado tore through the first part of the school building. Debris, chairs, and other materials were thrown into the air.

Students screamed and threw themselves on the floor and Karl felt someone pull him down with them. He was far too overwhelmed with the situation. The floor was pleasantly cold but the sounds around him made his whole body freeze in terror.

The chaos got worse as figures dressed in all white stepped through the classroom door and scanned the area. It was far too loud for Karl to understand anything as the figures and students screamed at each other. Then one of them started pulling guns and shooting at the students.

Blood splattered on the ground and many students who had gotten up to run away fell back to the ground while their clothes became soaked with blood. Karl looked in the doorway. There stood a man dressed in white with a gun in his hand. He had colorful eyes, his hair and mouth were covered with a hood and mask.

Their eyes met and the man raised his gun without hesitation, shouting something that Karl did not understand, in the direction of his group. At that moment, the tornado hit their part of the classroom and Karl felt the wind pulling at him and swirling him in the air. In fear, he clenched his eyes and screamed. The last things he heard were gunshots and the frightened screams of his classmates. Then the immense force of the tornado tore his body apart.

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