" thank you, " he smiled. " your eyes are very pretty. "

the comment made you blush slightly as the staff waved you along once again, he waved at you, and you waved back before looking up at taehyung.

" hi! " he spoke as you handed him your album.

" hello! " you responded with a smile. your nerves were defiantly more relaxed now.

while signing your album, he continued speaking. " is this your first time? "

" yes, " you explained. " i've never been to a concert or an event like this before. although my friends who're also here have been to a few concerts. "

" really? then i'll remember you for next time, " taehyung chirped. " and i hope you'll remember me too. "

you laughed at the joke. " of course i will. "

as his hand trailed up to his face. you noticed the black writing on the side of his arm. it seemed to be korean letters. you just assumed it was his soulmate's name.

as the staff urged for you to move along yet again, you met eyes with namjoon. he was smiling, his dimples clear as day. you couldn't help but to return the smile.

" hi, " you greeted him, handing him the album.

" hello there. how are you today? " he asked, concentrating on signing the album.

" i'm great, thanks. how about you? " you replied.

he looked up and handed you the album back. as he did so, your hand brushed against his. he seemed to have noticed too as he gave you a sheepish smile. a small tingling formed by your collarbone, under your shirt. resisting the urge to itch, you tried to focus on namjoon instead.

" do you live here in new york? " he asked, resting his chin on his hands.

" yes, i work in a small cafe near my apartment. it actually has a library in it as well. " you responded.

" that sounds wonderful. " he stated. " every cafe should have a library. "

" definitely! " you beamed, your happiness growing bigger.

as you shuffled along again, the tingling by your collarbone was still there. this time, you brought your hand up and itched over your shirt. when it didn't go away, you made a mental note to check after you were done. perhaps there was a bathroom somewhere.

" hello! " jungkook greeted.

you looked up and smiled at the guy. he was the only one younger than you, by one year. after handing him the album, you itched on your collarbone once again.

" hi, " you replied. " i listened to the song you posted on twitter yesterday. it was great, "

he smiled at the compliment. " thank you. that makes me happy to hear. "

" well, you do sing very well. " you added.

a small blush crept up on his cheeks, making you laugh slightly. " thank you for continuing to do what you do. "

" it's for you we do it. " he responded, just as you were urged to the next member.

" hello, " you chirped at seokjin.

he returned the greeting and began to talk immediately. about all kinds of things. however, you had a hard time concentrating, as the itch began to grow more intense. it was beginning to feel discomforting.

" what's your favourite song? " he suddenly asked.

" uh, that's such a hard question but i gotta say young forever. it always makes me happy. " you replied. " what about you? "

" oh, maybe boy in love, you know? " seokjin replied.

you only had time to give him a short reply before you had to move along again. now the last member in front of you, you felt both sad and relieved. sad, that it would be over but relieved so you could check what was irritating you.

yoongi greeted you, and you did as well. the two of you ended up chatting about the weather in new york, pretty basic stuff but you didn't mind. before you knew it, you were finished.

the irritation had weirdly gone down slightly as you stood a few meters away from the stage and waited for evangeline and mona.

after a minute or two, the duo came walking towards you.

" did someone pee in your drink? " evangeline asked once she saw your uncomfortable facial expression.

" shut up, " you smacked her arm.

" that was amazing, " mona cooed. " i cannot believe that it happened! "

" same here, " evangeline added. " my hands are so sweaty. "

" let's just go to our seats again. " you murmured.

2 hours later

finally home again, you immediately left evangeline and mona in the kitchen to go change into something more comfortable. you ended up picking out black sweatshorts and a red tank top. as you pulled your shirt over your head, you couldn't help but notice something on your collarbone, in the place that had been irritating for the past hours.

" what the- " you mumbled as you walked up to your mirror to have a look.

then, you screamed.


a/n: hello!! i did not expect this chapter to be this long but it's fine lol.

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