12 | Flush Against Me

Start from the beginning

"Well if you guys are going to complain, why don't you guys go to the supermarket?" I get up with my empty bowl in hand and put it inside the sink.

"Deal." Toby and Darien say at the same time.

"Yeah, sorry but Cam and I have a date planned..." Kit  clearly lies through her teeth not bothering to even look me in the eye, not in bashfulness but plainly because she doesn't see the need to.

"I have to meet up with some people from class for dance." Adeline smiles her sorry from her seat across the kitchen at the kitchens island.

She seems sickly these past days. Her hair thinner, she's fatigued, and her eyes have a sheen to them.

"I have an exam to study for." Tate picks at her nails. Noticing her nervous habit, I know she lying as well. My eyes dart to the hickey on her neck and the lipstick on her night shirt. Tate doesn't wear makeup.

So I question her "An exam...a week into school?" I cross my arms as I lean against the sink.


"So it's a deal then? Darien and I can shop for everyone?" Toby bounces on the prospect immediately in an eager fashion.

"No. No way, are you two mature enough to be left unsupervised with cash and freedom." Tate narrows her eyes at them.

"We can be mature." Darien protests.

"It's not happening without supervision." She stay stiff until, slowly slowing her gaze to me.

Realizing I'm horrified. "No. Not happening." I stand my ground, shaking my head. With my arms still crossed.

"Tate, I can't babysit two grown teens alone." I excuse my disdain to the idea.

"Perfect, Wyatt get your shoes on, you're Babysitter #2."

Wyatt looks up from his phone from his seat with his brows furrowed.

Yeah, me too man. Me too.


"Darien, darling, bestie...love of my life?" Toby clinged onto Darien's forearm pleading as he pushed the cart towards the rows of isles.

"Stop it, Toby. I won't let you push the cart after you purposely ran into everyone's heels a second ago." Darien scolds.

Sighing I grab the list of things everyone at the house said they wanted from my back pocket. "First is...Dum Dums and then, gummy worms, and Ring Pops? Toby, Darien, where's the real list?"

"They switched it, the last one was in blue pen, not black." Wyatts voice comes from close behind my back. His presence inches away from my back. It would take a single step for us to be flush together.

"Oh, glad you decided to finally grace us with your presence, Birdy." I turn towards him, ignoring the light ticklish feeling I feel at the pit of my stomach from his proximity.

"No, I would never do something so reckless." Toby cracked his knuckles back and forth randomly.

"This is exactly the type of reckless thing you would do." I deadpan..

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