Chapter 3: An Avenger

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(Second Person)

The avengers are silent eyeing the girl on the stretcher that Bruce is currently tending to.

"What were you thinking!" Tony suddenly snapped turning on Wanda.

"I don't know!", Wanda returned with just as much vigour. "I saw her there, fighting for her life and I felt... I don't know I felt something. We couldn't just leave her; HYDRA would have killed her".

"We don't know who she is!", Tony yelled back.

"Ok, that's enough", Steve finally joined the conversation. "Wanda's right Tony, HYDRA was going to kill her. We take her back to the tower fix her up and find out who she is then you can yell at people".

Tony grumbled and reluctantly sat down next to Peter and began examining him for injuries. Peter was prone to injury no matter what happened, surprising the only injury he sustained was a gash to his right shoulder.

Wanda reluctantly sat slumping against Nat. "Attention all super solders, spiders, witches, geniuses and Tony the man child, this is captain Clint speaking, we are coming into landing".

"Just fly the plane Birdbrain", Tony called to him. As the team let out quiet laughs.

*Time Skip*

(POV ???)

A constant beeping woke me up. I was in what appeared to be a hospital. I sprung up; I have to get out of here I can't be in a hospital. What if their running blood tests? They'll find out I'm different.

"Hey, hey, calm down no one's going to hurt you. A man with a purple shirt and dark hair says to me.

"You know that's exactly something someone who's kidnapped me would say", I reply without hesitation as I struggle to disconnect all the cords connected to me.

"We didn't kidnap you; you came willing remember", The man says. "I'm Bruce by the way, Bruce Banner".

"Huh", is my only reply, before all the memories come rushing back. "The Scarlet Witch, she..." I trail off as Bruce moves towards me. I pull away as he reaches towards me.

"I'm just checking your stiches", he says calmly. "Wanda spotted you and took off towards you before anyone could stop her. When they brought you back to the Quinjet you were covered in blood and Wanda demanded we bring you back to the tower and fix you up".

"The tower? Where?", I say before realising, "New York, you brought me to New York".

"Yeah," Bruce trails of as he examines the stiches on my arm. "Your mostly patched up so Let's get you down to the team".

"What", I panic. "The team, you want me to talk to the avengers, can't I just leave".

"No", Bruce replies. "The teams down in the meeting room with Fury I'm to bring you down so we can discuss what you were doing in a HYDRA base. He gives me a pointed look. "You can walk, I've stitched up your arm and got all the bullets out of your stomach, not the first time you've been shoot it seems." Bruce says calmly helping me up out of the bed and detaching the equipment.

I don't reply to that. I dress quickly in the black leggings, fingerless gloves and leather jack I wore to the base. I find my mask in the pocket of my jacket they removed it, they've seen what I look like, there's no running now. Walking towards the med bay door I let Bruce guide me slowly down hallways towards what's sure to be an enjoyable discussion.

*Time Skip*

(Second Person)

Fury did not seem to be happy and The Avengers simply watched as he stamped around the room. "So, the only accomplishment of the mission was the destruction of the base! Fantastic," Fury grumbled.

Silent Angel  (Marvel, Avengers, Peter Parker)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora