Chapter 4: Welcome

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(5 Years Earlier. Nova is 12 years old.)

Nova ran through the endless hallways of the palace chasing Harper. Her cousin Harper was slightly shorter than her, with curly red hair and emerald, green eyes that would death glare you when she was angry. Rounding the corner, she crashed into the body of a man, the king Harper's father. Standing up quickly she apologised.

"I'm so sorry Uncle Henry" Nova gasped. "We were headed down to the steps to great the guard upon their return.

Turning on the girls the king let out a sigh. "Slow down girls. Nova you are my niece that is no way for a lady to act. Especially you Harper, my daughter. Go greet the guard your father will be happy to see you Nova". He waved them off walking down the hallway towards the throne room.

"Come on let's go", Harper grabbed Nova's arm. "Where going to be late". The two girls hurried towards the front steps of the palace.

Upon arriving at the steps, the girls jumped from foot to foot. The guard had returned. They had been out in the world protecting the humans. It had been an honour for generations. Nova could not wait for the day she would join them. It was all she had ever wanted ever since she was young and her Dad had told her his stories of the world.

Here on the edge of the world hidden in their walls no one knew they existed and you never left unless given permission. They called themselves Celestials. They had existed for thousands of years and drew their powers from the world around them. This had once consisted of fire, water, wind and Earth, but over the years that had changed. Gifts evolved and new ones where born, invisibility, mind reading, electricity and healing among others. There was one gift that every Spirt shared however, telekinesis. Gifts came in all shapes and sizes and you often came into your gift as you got older.

For Nova it was different. Born with her gift instead of growing into it and to make things even more troublesome she didn't have just one gift. This scared both her parents and her Uncle the king. In order to protect her, Nova's birth certificate was burned and her abilities kept a secret. Nova had learned control and one day she promised herself, they wouldn't keep her confined to the city, she would see the world.

The guard marched through the city gates and Nova searched through the crowd. Where was her dad. Just then the general came to a stop and the guard knelt to their knees around him.

"A single life was lost", the general spoke. The crowd became quiet and held their breaths. Nova gasped. Someone from the guard dead, impossible. "Prince Johnathan Luna lost his life as a hero he saved the lives of every member of the guard and he will be honoured for such a feet. May his life force be free and welcomed to the stars".

"May he be free," the crowd called.

That was all Nova remembered hearing that day. 'Dead her father was dead'. She remembers them bring the body through the gates as the crowd dissipated to head home with their families, but Nova stood their looking at the stretcher with the white sheet and her father's body. Nova remembered the general approaching her and her Mother finally arriving to be told the bad news. She remembered one sentence specifically though. "It was HYDRA," the general had said. "They knew where we would be and they attacked us". In that moment Nova new one thing, nothing would be the same again.

What no one had realised that day, was that HYDRA now knew the Celestials existed and they would not stop until they had killed each and every one. Maybe if they had known this then. Many could have been saved.

Present time. Avenger's Tower.

(POV Nova)

I was in the Avengers Tower. THE AVENGERS TOWER. I had just said yes to joining the Avengers. What have I done. Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were giving me 'the grand tour' as they'd put it. This place was huge.

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