Chapter 7: Meeting The Bartons

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(POV Nova)

It's been two weeks now. I have lived among these insane people for two weeks. Since that day in the lab Peter's been pushing for me to be more social. I started going on runs by myself in the mornings just to get used to New York, it huge. I've also watched the team train a few times; I think I'm finally ready to join them, that's being social right?

I glance at the mirror in front of me I'm wearing light blue leggings and a light-blue one-shoulder sports bra to match. Turning my back to the mirror I glance at my tattoo. I take a few deep breaths mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to do.

I look at the clock on the bedside table. 7:00am Time for a workout.

I head down to the training room and begin running laps of it, over and over. I run 20 laps before glancing at my surroundings, what's next. There's the gym equipment, the rock wall, and a big area in the middle where I assume they train.

That's when I spot the weights. Setting up, I time myself, 10 lifts 30 second brake. Eventually I hear footsteps as people entre the gym, but I just keep lifting.

(POV Peter)

I wake to the screeching ring of my alarm clock and end up throwing it across the room. "Shit", I mumble.

"Language", I hear from above me. Wait, above me. Looking up I find Clint watching me from the vents.

"GET LOST BIRDBRAIN"! I shout at him; this causes Nat to come running and Clint to take off. Guess Clint stole Nat's dagger again.

Getting dressed quickly, I head out to the kitchen for the usual Saturday breakfast, pancakes. Mr Stark and Bruce are in the kitchen. Mr Stark making pancakes and Bruce drawing on a tablet.

"Morning Kid", Mr Stark greets me, dropping 12 pancakes onto my plate as I sit down.

"Did I hear another alarm clock smash", May asks as she walks into the kitchen.

"Maybe", I mumble. "Morning, May, Morning, Mr Stark", I say digging in my pancakes.

"Tony, kid, Tony", Mr Stark says quietly turning back to the stove to serve pancakes to May, who laughs quietly.

Just then the lift dings and Steve and Sam make their way inside, back from their run. Wanda, Vision and Bucky appear a few minutes later spotting the pancakes immediately.

A bang echoes through the room, and Bruce's head shoots up from his work as Nat and Clint come crashing out of the vents to the floor.

"NAT, NO KILLING PEOPLE BEFORE BREAKFAST"! Steve shouts over the spies who are still beating each other up.

"If you're going to fight as least take it to the mats", Bucky speaks over everyone. Looks past throughout the group.

"TO THE MATS", Clint shouts and takes off running, followed closely by Nat, who looks like she might actually kill Clint.

Steve let's out a sigh. "We better go watch make sure they don't actually kill each other".

"Especially before Clints family gets here this afternoon", Wanda says softly.

"What time are they coming"? I ask around a mouthful of my third plate of pancakes.

"12", Mr Stark answers. Before we all head down to the training room to watch Clint and Nat.

"Doesn't hurt if we get in some morning training while we're down there does it", Wanda asked along the way.

"I think it is an opportunity to improve our skills", Vision followed up Wanda's comment. Everyone just nodded along.

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