Chapter 6: The Suit

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(POV Nova)

I've been at the Tower for a week now. It was so strange being around people again and at first everything was awkward, but eventually I started to feal more at ease and got used to everyone.

I haven't left my room much. It's just so strange. People come and go around here very quickly. One thing they all do is have dinner together every night, it's kind of nice, especially because I've learned Stark makes the best pasta. Surprising I Know.

I spend most of my days in my room, I don't like going out into the main room. When I do leave, I hang around Wanda and watch her float things around the kitchen while cooking or I hang out with Bucky, we usually watch a movie, or I sit and read while whoever's around studies me. They think I don't realise this. I know they all study me though. There probably suspicious of me which is fair. The important thing is that everyone just lets be do my own thing, which I like.

Right now, currently Peter's headed off to school and most of the avengers have gone out on a mission. They said they'd be back by dinner. They did however leave instructions for Happy and Pepper about keeping an eye on me. They really don't trust me. It took me all of five minutes to get past Happy this morning he thinks I'm in my room.

Currently I'm sitting in a vent above Stark's Lab. Clint was very helpful in telling me about the vents in a show of trust a few days ago. His exact words were, "Come on Nova, I'm going to show you the wonderful world of the vents. Tony doesn't like us going in them, but we do it anyway!". It had made me laugh and Stark had yelled at Clint when he found out he had shown them to me.

Back to the task at hand, I slowly lowered myself into the Lab through the vent. The small bag at my side bumping into a table on the way down. Stark's Lab was huge. There where tools everywhere and Iron man suits in display cases. There where equations everywhere some in Stark's handwriting, some in someone else's, probably Peter.

Peter's been really sweat since I got here. He's been one of the few that makes sure I have everything I need. He came with Pepper, Natasha, and I to go clothes shopping. Secretly I think he just wanted the fast food we planned to get, but what can you do.

I move carefully throughout the lab and find an empty table. Taking a seat at it I reach for my bag, pulling out the contents, a cat suit I've been working on, my old suit got ripped up back at the HYDRA base last week.

I walk around the lap gathering tools and equipment and even having a peek at a few of the inventions that have been left lying around. Moving back to my waiting suit on the table, I get to work.

-Time Skip-

(POV Peter)

"See you losers later", Mj calls as she walks off leaving Ned and I out the front of Midtown.

"Do you think she does that cause she cares or because she's just being Mj", Ned asked me.

"Probably just Mj being Mj", I reply. It then that I see Happy's car pulling up. Ned and I do our handshake before I head over to Happy and drop into the back seat of the car. Happy slides the divider up after a quick "Hey Kid" and were off to the tower.

-Time Skip-

I make my way into the lift once we are at the tower and the first thing, I do is head for the kitchen I'm starving. Thor won't mind if I have a pop-tart or seven. The towers basically empty everyone's out on a mission to catch this group of HYDRA assassins. I might as well head down to the lab and get some work done.

Rounding the corner to lab, my enhanced hearing picks up on some soft singing, coming directly from Mr Stark's lab. It's clearly not Mr Stark singing the classical song he prefers ACDC. However, its sounds beautiful. I fiddle with the web shooters on my wrist, what if someone got into the tower!?

I fling open the door to the lab ready to attack, but it's not an attacker I find, It's Nova.

(POV Nova)

I'm working peacefully, softly singing an old classical song my mum used to sing when all of a sudden Starks lab door goes flying off it hinges and Peter comes tumbling into the room, fists up. What happens next is just comical. Peter trips over his feet when he realises it's me in the lab and knocks over one of the Ironman suits next to him. From there its domino's as 52 Iron man suits hit the ground.

There's silence as Peter and I just stare at each other and the mess surrounding us. I can't help it I start laughing. "Clumsy much". I gasp between giggles.

Peter starts laughing then to, "No", he replies. "The floor looked like it needed a hug". He says with a bright red blush across his checks.

"O really, did the suits need one to"? I continue to tease him.

(POV Peter)

I am in so much trouble when Mr Stark gets back. I have literally knocked over every suit. But right in this moment laughing with Nova, that doesn't seem to matter that much.

When we've finally calmed down, I catch a glimpse of the table in front of Nova. "What are you making there"? I ask.

She glances at me, eyebrow raised as if trying to decide if she want to show me or not. Eventually she shifts something on the table and gestures for me to come over. There was a black fight suit on the table. It consisted of black combat boots, a corset and a black hood and mask that would cover the face. (See photo above).

"Wow. Is this yours?", I ask Nova. The workman ship is incredible and from what I'm seeing she was trying to make herself a weapon. What it is though I'm not sure.

"Yeah, I've been working on it for a while my old one gave out on me last week. So, I snuck down here this morning to make a new one", Nova Says nervously averting eye contact.

"I think we could make it even better", I say suddenly and Nova's gaze lands on me.

"Huh"? she says.

"Yeah, I think we could put it in a bracelet and maybe use some of the nano tech Mr Starks been working on". I ramble. I turn to Nova and see a smile on her face, but it drops when she sees me looking at her.

"Why are you helping me", her voice has an edge of steal to it.

"That's what friends do for each other; we help each other out.

"Friends"? she mumbles quietly behind me.

And this", I say gesturing to her suit. "Is good, but it could be better".

She raises her eyebrow again thinking it over. -? God that's cute, -? Nova is a really pretty girl with her shoulder length white hair and piercing white eyes- wait- WHAT!?

"If you say yes, I won't tell Mr Stark you were in here", I say. 'what am I doing'. Nova's face pails then she nods.

"Fine", she says, "Deal".

"Yes, alright", I cheer then reach for her suit. "We could probably work on improving, your armour" ...

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