Chapter 8: Angel

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"I can't be bothered to hurt him". The man says with a smirk. "I'd rather just kill him". The man aims his gun for Cooper.

"NO", Clint screams

Before I know what, I'm doing, I've pulled out of the grip the agent has on me and I'm running towards Cooper. I'm about to break the one promise and reveal the one secret I hoped no one would ever know.

I grab onto Cooper covering him with my body, as the bang of a gun sounds out.


(POV Nova)

Holding onto Cooper, I feel the bones in my back shifting and hear the distinct ripping of the back of my suit, as large black wings shoot from my back.

Gun fire rains down on Cooper and I. Cooper cries out but I only hold onto him tighter. Wrapping my wings around the two of us. The bullets can't make contact with us, we're ok.

I can hear the shouts and screams of the avengers echoing in my ears. I don't dare move.

When the gun fire finally stops there's dead silence.

"What the hell"? I hear Stark say.

Standing up I make sure that Cooper's ok before I turn around to face the group. I spread my wings wide completely covering Cooper. They're huge, and span 5 meters wide. My wings are completely black and covered in feathers. They are indestructible nothing can penetrate then.

I hears gasps as the other avengers see me stand to my feet.

The storm I created earlier still rages above me, and I swing my hand forward letting a blast of lightning hit the men around me, the guy who just tried to kill Cooper gets a blast to the head, turning his brain functions off. Dead.

I turn my head to the sky where one final jet still fly's around the tower. I can see them aiming guns for me and I narrow my eyes. Immediately the jet gets hit by lightning and goes hurtling out of the sky, crashing onto the roof.

Cooper grabs onto my waist from next to me and I can tell he's crying. I wave my hand through the air knocking the men holding the avengers to the ground.

The team get lose and immediately takes care of the rest of the men.

I bend down next to Cooper and gently wipe the tears off his face. "You're ok", I whisper to him. "See everything's all right".

When he's calmed down Cooper takes a step back from me. "You have wings, like an angel", he gasps.

"Yeah", I say with a small laugh. "Come on let's get you back to your mum". I stand up and turn around to see the avengers have delt with the last of the HYDRA agents.

"COOPER", Clint shouts and runs towards us. Cooper who's holding my hand lets go and runs towards his dad. Clint swoops him and just holds him close. I smile, then reality sets in. 'WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO'!

"That looks painful", Nat says as she walks past Clint towards me. She's gesturing at the bullets in my arm.

"Huh, I guess I forgot that was there", I said looking down at my arm, which was rapidly leaking more and more blood.

"Come inside I'll dig the bullets out and patch you up", Nat said. I followed her glancing around. She wasn't asking about the wings.

My eyes landed on Clint and Cooper who were also making their way back inside, I then spotted everyone else dealing with clean up. 'Right bigger things to worry about'. Making it to the roof door I gently folded my wings down to my back before pulling my hood and mask off. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Peter walking over to join me at the door.

I followed Nat down the corridor Peter was slightly behind me, but he quickly jogged up next to me pulling his mask of his face.

We walked in silence following Nat to the med bay.

"So"... Peter finally said as I took a seat on a bed and Nat brought a first aid kit over to me.

"So"... I replied, watching him for a reaction.

My wings were still spread, sitting gently on the bed behind me.

"Guess we should make some improvements to your suit, seeing as you completely ripped the back to shreds", Peter said.

I laughed a real carefree laugh. "I sprout wings from my back and that's the first thing you say", I giggled.

"Well, I do have questions about that. I just seemed rude to bring it up". Peter spoke.

"It's fine. It's not rude to bring it up at all", I said.

"OUCH", I shouted as Nat pulled the first bullets from my arm.

"Hold still", Nat said pulling the second bullet out causing me to yelp again.

"So, are the wings like made from something and just pinned onto your back or"... Peter left off.

"No, they're not pinned on. They're a physical part of me, Just simple feathers, as far as I'm aware. They're indestructible though, so that's helpful. You don't' think its weird". I spoke.

"No, I think there beautiful", Peter said, calmy causing a blush to bloom across my face.

"I've seen a lot of weird things, trust me this doesn't even make the top twenty", Nat suddenly cut into the conversation. She began to bandage up my arm as she spoke. "You saved Cooper. That's what matters here. As far as far as I'm aware any lingering suspicions anyone had over if they could trust you, are long gone now".

I smiled at that. "They're going to ask a lot of questions", I said as Nat tied of the bandage.

"Let, them". Nat said.

I smiled at her before relaxing my muscles and letting me wings retract back into my back.

"Wow, that's seriously cool". Peter said.

"Mrs Romanoff, Peter and Nova, Mrs Stark has requested you come to the main conference room", F.R.I.D.A.Y Suddenly spoke.

"Looks like you'll have to tell us everything", Nat said to me. "We're on our way now F.R.I.D.A.Y", she said before she pulled me off the bed and guided Peter and I to the conference room.

When we arrived, I was immediately tackled. Looking down I found Cooper griping on to my legs. "Thank you", he whispered before running back over to Laura. I smiled after him, before look to Laura who nodded in thanks to me.

Turning to face the team I was met with a whole lot of confused faces. Steve looked concerned as did Wanda and Vision. Sam and Bucky look like they'd just seen the impossible. Clint just looked relieved his son was ok.

Pepper, Happy and May had showed up at some point and looked at a loss for words. I glanced at Stark last. He looked somewhere between like he wanted to yell at me for the lightening burn or rather stain up on the roof and also like he couldn't tell when his life had gone so to shit that this is what he was dealing with.

I sighed. Plopping down into a comfy chair. "I Guess I should start from the beginning", I said softly, gesturing for everyone to take a seat.

Silent Angel  (Marvel, Avengers, Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now