Chapter 9: Her Story

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(4 Years Earlier. Nova 13 years old.)

(POV Nova)

It's been six months. Mum and I have been running for six months. After a while we found our way to America where we discovered a nice little cottage in the mountains.

The cottage is set on the edge of a small town just through a small wood of trees. The fields surrounding it are covered in all manner of flowers. It's mostly daisies, but if your make your way out closer to the mountains there are hundreds of blue roses. Mum's favourite flower. The flowers are all covered in snow at the moment, thought.

I'm standing outside the cottage in the field, as the snow falls softly around me, when I hear my mum calling to me. "Nova, can you please grab some wood for a fire!"

"Sure", I shout back making my way over to the small shed out the back of the cottage and gathering as much wood as I can carry.

I miss home. When we ran 6 months ago it never really set in at the time, but I'd lost my cousin my best friend. All because of Evaline and Uncle Samuel. There were five thousand of us and now only my mum and I are left.

I drop the wood as I come into the house. It's small you'd think only one person lived here. It's got a main room which basically just a small kitchen and an even smaller sitting room. There are two rooms at the back of the cottage, and a bathroom. It's nothing special.

"Come sit", mum says quietly and I turn to see her sitting in front of the fireplace. I pick up a few of the wood logs I dropped and throw them into the fire. Before grabbing a blanket and curling up next to my mum.

"I miss them", I whisper. I'm talking about my friends and mum knows that. "I want to go home", I continue.

"We can't", Mum says looking right into the fire.

"Why not?" I raise my voice. "HYDRA Just marched into our home and destroyed it", my voice gets louder.

My mum suddenly spreads her wings out behind her and causing me to go quiet.

"Nova I need you to listen carefully, ok?"

I glance at her wings, blinding white unlike my dark black ones. I nod my head and my mum speaks.

(13 years earlier) The day Nova was born.

(Third person POV)

Melody screamed in pain, as her husband John held her hand. The doctors moved around the room quickly. "You contractions are closer together you can start pushing soon", a nurse spoke.

Freya, Melody's mother walked into the room and sat taking her daughters hand. "You're doing well dear", Freya spoke.

Melody smiled up at her mother. Suddenly the heart rate monitor, reading Melody's baby flat lined. Shouts and screaming echoed around the room and Melody grabbed onto the closest nurse. "What's happening to my baby"! Melody shouted. Holding tighter to her mother's and husband's hands.

"We need an emergency C-section in here, NOW! The nurse yelled pulling away from Melody, without an explanation.

"WHAT IS GOING ON"! John shouted.

The nurses went silent and a doctor stepped forward. "I'm so sorry", he spoke. "Your losing the baby".

"Isn't there anything you can do"? Freya whisper.

"An emergency C-section might be your child's only hope. But we can hope for anything". The doctor spoke.

Melody nodded. "We are just setting up now we will begin in a few minutes"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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