"Now come here my little munchkins." I said as I pulled them into a cuddle

We cuddled for a while before Niko's stomach started grumbling. They ran down to the kitchen while I got brushed my teeth and did my regular morning things.

I made my way into the kitchen to find Gina hung over, Klaus laughing at her, the twins were eating pancakes, Cohen was making Gina a hangover remedy and I felt like something was off all of a sudden.

Just then everyone went quiet and looked in my direction.

"Do you feel it too?" I asked

"Yeah." Said Cohen

*door bell rings*

"I'll get it. Just make me pancakes." I said

I walked to the door and opened it, there he was Ryder. What the hell? Why is he here. More importantly how did he get my address.

"Hey." He said with a smirk

"So you wear the mask at home also?" He asked

"How did you get my address?" I asked as I pushed him further outside then stepped outside as well.

"Well my dad and you are associates and well you invited him over for New Years about a year or two ago so he knew your address." Said Ryder

"Okay but why are you here?" I said

I noticed his eyes were no longer in contact with mine, he was looking me up and down, like I was some damn meal. I know I am but still who said he could look. Fuck I forgot I'm just wearing a Camisole and a shorts.
What she is wearing:

************************ "Hey dip shit my eyes are up here

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"Hey dip shit my eyes are up here." I said as I smacked him

"Ouch. That was hot." He said

Before I knew it he had me trapped between his arms, pushed up against the wall. He lowered his head so that we were making direct eye contact, his face was so close I could feel his breath on my lips, his breath was minty with a hint of tobacco...reminded me of Kodiak.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I said

I caught him off guard and made him blush, he didn't think I would be so confident. Like I would get flustered.

But just as things were getting interesting Cohen opened the door and we quickly separated.

"Blue Eyes, your food is ready, the kids are asking where you are and Gina just puked in the sink. Klaus is rolling around on the floor laughing and I'm going to shoot someone if you don't come sort this shit out." Said Cohen with a blank expression and a blank tone. Geez sometimes he is so relaxed and tense at the same time it is insane.

"Okay I'm coming." I said

"Ryder do you like pancakes?" I asked

"Yea." He answered

"Come in then. Don't touch my stuff though." I warned

We walked into the house and went to the kitchen, truth be told Klaus was fucking rolling around on the  floor like a fucking log, Gina looked like she wanted to kill him but was to green in the face to move from her bucket and the kids they just starred at me.

"Mama his hot." Said Ivy

It was as if Ivy said something insane, everyone stopped in their tracks, but what happened next was hilarious.

Niko jumped off his chair and marched up to us, he stood right in front of Ryder and pushed out his chest, arms on his sides and took a deep breath.

"Who are you?" He said with all his might

Was the cutest shit ever.

"Hey little man, I'm Ryder." Said Ryder

"Are you mommy's new friend?" Asked Niko

"Yeah, she's really cool." Said Ryder

"I know, you should see when mommy uses her knives. She's a badass." Said Ivy with an excited tone

"Okay guys, you to go upstairs and play, I'll come see you guys before I leave." I said and they nodded then ran off.

I sat down in my chair and turned to Ryder, everyone was no starring at him. Gina quickly got better, Klaus was now fully serious and Cohen was his usual intimidating self.

"Why is he here?" Asked Klaus

"Well I'm here to get her to be my girlfriend." He said

We all had the same confused yet astonished expression on our face, I looked at Cohen and Klaus and we were talking with our eyes. They were both saying, should we kill him? And I was saying not yet, then they said can we at least hurt him and I said hold on fucking retards.

"Good for you, now leave. I'm perfectly happy being single." I said

"No, I think I'll try to get you to change your mind rather." He said with a mischievous smile

Saying no, to me. Does this man want to die
Hey loves

I hope you're enjoying the story, what do you think? Should Ryder be her boyfriend...maybe husband or should she wait for Kodiak?

Keep reading to find out.

Love you guys
-Quanita xxx

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