Chapter 2: Time to Save the Red Panda!

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[Chapter 2: Time to Save the Red Panda!]

"Shikamaru, Temari— hey!" Sakura called over with a high hand, waving at the two. I turned away from the blond and silver head, peeking up at the couple. Cute couple #3!

The Nara in front of us seemed to brighten, taking the time to grin. "Hey, Naruto!"


Coming to a slow stop, we formed a small circle. "Did you just get back?" The chunin asked, raising a hand to wave at Naruto.

"Nah, yesterday."

"Something's different about you—"

Sakura's face scrunched at that accusation. "Not at all." She shot back, waving her hand rapidly.

I giggled behind my hand as the protagonist whined, leaning closer to the couple with my hands interlocked behind my back. "So~" I smiled in amusement, watching as they both shifted a bit away. "You two on a date?"

"Not even close!" Shikamaru retorted, harshly flicking my head away. Ow! Letting out a pathetic groan, I placed my hands over my forehead with puffed-out cheeks. Only Shisui and Itachi can do that!

Besides him, the jonin let out a scoff. "Oh please, like I would ever," The Subaku placed a hand on her hip. "It's almost the chunin selection exams again and while I've been acting as a liaison between Suna and Konoha,"

"I'm being forced to act as an exam proctor," Her future partner sighed, rubbing the back of his nape. "I was ordered to escort the sand ambassador, that's all."

"You see, that sounds like the start of a terrible romance fanfiction." Which one? Shhhhh, we'll work out the details. My head tilted to the side, a hand under my chin. "But still, you guys seem like you're having fun."

The guy gave me a deadpan. "Sure, if you call being dragged around 'fun'." He instantly got a hard jab, groaning in return. "Troublesome woman."

"Say that again and I'll use my fan."

"Chunin exams, huh," Blinking, I turned my body back at Naruto, who held a rather nostalgic expression on his face. His ocean blues seem to glisten against the warm street lamps. "Brings back memories."

Shikamaru suddenly let out a small gasp, forming a small 'o' with his lips, "What are you going to do now, eh Naruto?"

The boy blinked, furrowing his brows in confusion. "Eh?"

"About the chunin exams of course. You're the only one in our year who isn't a chunin."

Oh. I couldn't help but giggle as the boy's body fell rigid, frozen like ice. Oh boy, he's going into shock. "What?!" He eventually shouted, waving his arms in the air feverishly with comedically wide eyes. "You— you mean...!" He whipped his head so fast that I'm surprised his headband did not wack in the eye. "You two are chunins?!"

"Yup!" The bubblegum girl cheerfully stared with a proud peace sign. Damn, she likes doing peace signs.

I leaned against her shoulder, eyes narrowing with delight. "It was really fun— I got to go all 'McCree' on those fuckers." Not that you'll ever get the reference.

"Not fair!"

"Oh, and just to let you know," The Nara continued, despite the Kyuubi holder's distraught. "Neji, Kankuro, and this lady are already jonins."

If he could, Naruto's jaw would've already dropped to the ground. "No way! Then—" He whacked his head around like a piñata before darting back up. "Gaara— what about Gaara?!"

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