"Yes, sir. You have a meeting with the president of Rotec at ten....."

~ ~ ~

So far, so good. I haven't made any mistakes thus far. Honestly, I don't see how people were getting fired. Everything is pretty much laid out for you on the iPad. All you have to do is follow it to a tee. I was doing a damn good job if I say so myself.

The day went by unceremoniously. After work I received a call from both my mom and my dad. Mom had told dad about the Sheila/Dave thing and dad was only calling to tell me that. He did apologize for my being in the middle of things, meaning he felt bad that I was the one that had to find it all out in one day. We all scheduled a dinner for Sunday night to take place at Krista's house. Everything was looking better than the day before.

I checked my email in hoped of receiving an email from Mr. Top. Just as I was about to log off the computer, I received a message from him.

To: little_nate@gmail.com

From: mr_bottoms_top@yahoo.com

Dear Nate,

How have you been? I'm sorry I've been unable to contact you until today. I came across a bit of a problem this weekend and I had to sort it out. I hope your day has been going great. You said you were starting today as Mr. Manning's assistant. How did that go? I hope it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. I look forward to hearing from you.

From Top

I let a smile cross my face. I was happy of course. This man has become such a big part of my life in such a short time. I replied right away. Looks like today was a really great day for me. Bring on tomorrow!

~ ~ ~

It's been two months since I started working as Mr. Manning's assistant. Mr. Top and I have kept up with the contact. I still don't know exactly who he is. Honestly, I'm scared to figure it out. What if I don't like him in person as much as I like him behind the computer screen? What if he doesn't like me? Things like meeting people from online have always freaked me out. Like, what if he turns out to be a serial killer or a rapist? I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Lately, Mr. Manning has been flirting with me. But then again, I may just be overthinking that as well. He smiles at me a lot. And if I'm not mistaken, a lot of what he says to me sounds as if it has a hidden meaning. It may just be me.

Working as an assistant has been incredibly fun. I don't do that much work as compared to what I was doing on the sixth floor. I do miss the design aspect of my old job. That's to be expected. Design was/is my passion.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Ian asked. We were at lunch. Maverick was there as well, he just wasn't being as annoying as Ian was. I rolled my eyes.

"Ian. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care about what Mike got you or where you had sex? It's disturbing. Please stop with your perverted talk," I replied snagging a fry from Mav. He rolled his eyes at me. I gave him a full smile.

"You obviously wasn't listening to me," Ian huffed. "I was telling you that Mike thinks that Kelsey may have a thing for you." Ian and Mr. Manning were now on a first name basis I suppose. What with him dating Mike, Ian has spent a bit of time with the boss. Mav too now that he and Devlin have a thing. He says they aren't dating "yet".

I rolled my eyes again, "Yeah right. I just found out the man was gay two days ago. That doesn't mean that he has a thing for me."

"Say what you want, but I'm telling you Mike thinks he does," Ian replied as if whatever Mike says is the honest to God truth.

From Top, To Bottom (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now