Chapter 13- Infiltration

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Heyyyy peeps! I'm here to full fill my promise.


Alexander had caused the distraction. Erica and I needed to hurry fast. Speaking of hurrying . . .

"Hurry!" Erica hissed. I scrambled up the ladder. 

We were currently infiltrating the base. Great. Another chance that I might die. I began to wonder why I could almost die at least 500 times a day.

"Alright. Once you're done climbing up that ladder Mr. Grumpypants gave you, walk to the door on the left." Jawa spoke through the ear piece. "Who are you calling 'grumpy'?" came Cyrus's voice.

Jawa yelped. He began to gibber in fear. "Pleasepleasedon'tkillme! I promise this is the only time I called you grumpy! I mean, if you don't include the other 3,000 times then, yeah."

There was a sound of someone repeatedly being whacked in the head. I winced. 

Erica opened the door. "Come on." I followed her inside. 

" see what's on the digital map thingy." came Chip's voice. "Er . . . Jawa? How do we work this thing again?" There was silence. "Uh....okay. Looks like Jawa got knocked out....hmmm...."

*5 Minutes Later......*

"Okay, finally. Go to the right corridor. From there, you'll see a conference room and then a control room."

As I opened the door of the control room, I gasped in surprise. "What? What is it?" Erica asked, then moved beside me to see.

Inside, there was hundreds, no wait, THOUSANDS of paper maps that covered the walls until you couldn't even see a centimeter of the wall. There was red lines zig-zagging across the maps. And it looked like many people scrawled notes here and there on the paper maps.

I walked into the rooms. Erica followed and went straight to one map. I examined another.

From the corner of my eye I spotted something. 

It was just another map, but there were many notes covering it all.

I moved closer to it. There was a picture of the whole world in green ink. Why green? I wondered. Then, in blue and black ink were words scrawled all over it. It looked like the person who was writing all this was hasty. 

"I'm sorry boss, I had to do this." I read the words aloud. "Boss's planes flew faster than then the wind. Got sick of destruction. Took down my boss. He dared touch my brethren. We had a deal! --your once faithful servant, Joshua H."

I stared at the words in shock. "Erica, come!" Erica came in a flash. "What is it?" she asked me. She looked a bit distracted but I shook it off. We had worse things to worry about.

I pointed to the signature "Joshua H.". Erica's eyes widened. This is a very rare chance whenever she shows emotions.

"It can't be." 

I sighed. "It is true. The paper and ink looks too old to look like someone wrote it recently, so we could only assume one thing; the person who wrote this was Joshua's great-grandpa."

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! lol, I would love to end it here since it would be a nice cliffhanger buuuuuut, I need to make this chapter longer, maybe 700-800 words at most. 

(Still Ben's POV...I think I've written 'Ben's POV' long enough to have you guys know that )

"You're right." came a totally obnoxious voice.

We whirled around to see Joshua, Dane Brammage and some other goons. (I know, I know, you must be thinking, "Why can't Dane Brammage just DIE already?!" Well . . . *awkward pause* . . . I guess "super" villains are always immortal, leaving the "heroes" to be mortals)

Erica's eyes narrowed. Joshua chuckled. "Oh come on. I thought you all were happy to see me!"

"All?" I asked. I saw from the corner of my eye Erica stiffening. (Yes, we all now know that you see everything from the corner of your eye.)

"Yes, all. Your pathetic friends and we even managed to capture your old man." Joshua clapped his hands and a muscular goon shoved Cyrus, who was tied up and gagged, forward. Another thing, Cyrus was unconscious. 

Erica glared at the goon. The goon flinched and shuffled back to his place. (I don't blame ya, pal.)

I looked at the other goons. They weren't holding Jawa or Chip or the rest of the gang.

But I saw something that shocked me most. Zoe was among the goons.

Alrighty! That wraps up this chapter! Byyyyeee



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