Chapter 12- The Truth

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Hey peeps! Sorry for noting updating for a short while. (And by short while I mean a week, not a month). So because I took a little break, I will be releasing two chapters for this book today!


I groaned and sat up. I was in some sort of bunker. Cement walls surrounded the tiny space around me. 

I was sitting on a dusty couch, staring at the metal door in front of me.

Why did Erica knock me out? Most importantly, is she working for the enemy?

No. She would never. I shook my head out of the clouds.

The metal door opened. Erica's head popped in. "Good to see you're finally awake." "I don't appreciate how you sedated me." I grumbled. "Well, how else was I supposed to bring you to this bunker without people knowing?" I stared at her in disbelief. Erica ignored the stare and kept talking, "Come on, we're all waiting for you."

Then Erica closed the door. "I bet she didn't sedate them to get them here." I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that!" came Erica's faint voice from behind the door.

 I smiled. "Of course you did." 


I was now sitting on a very uncomfortable chair. I shifted a bit and the whole chair creaked. This chair was really old.

The rest of the gang was here and was sitting in their own chairs, forming a small circle around the table. Cyrus cleared his throat for the umpteenth time. "Now, let's review what we're going to do. Starting with Alexander."

Alexander adjusted his tie nervously. 

"Um . . . er . . . I-I think it was that I had to turn on my charm a-and get a baseball bat and clonk the guards at CHAOS's base???" 

Cyrus facepalmed. "NO! Did you even pay attention? The plan was that you," Cyrus jabbed a finger at his son, "make a distraction so the guards attention would be diverted to you."

"Oh. Right." Alexander tried to save face. 

Cyrus continued, "Then, Erica and Ben sneak into CHAOS's base while Chip and Jawa will give them the instructions on where to go on the earpiece."

Alexander looked sheepish. "Er . . . why do we have to infiltrate the base again?"

Cyrus looked like he might explode.

Luckily, Catherine intervened. "It's because Erica believes that CHAOS is doing something with missiles. So Erica and Ben will need to gather more information and stop CHAOS's plans."

I glanced at Erica. Erica caught me looking. I looked away, blushing. (I'm dying of cringe right now)

I stole another glance and saw Erica smirking.

Way to go Ben. I thought to myself. Unfortunately, Mike, Chip and Jawa saw the whole thing and started snickering. 

Don't worry. Your tactics are flawless. Mike mouthed at me. I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon. We have a long day ahead of us. Go get some rest." Cyrus walked out the room.

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