Chapter 10- Calm or not?

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I had a VERY hard time trying to find a name for my chapter but I came up empty handed. Two updates in one day! :) Play the sad music video above...I think it kinda fits this chapter...(please don't kill me, I will make it up to you guys) Enjoy! (lol I don't think you guys will really enjoy this chapter)

Edit: Hi guys! This is me.....I've finally come up with a name for this chapter, the old one was 'I don't know what to call this chapter'. Like this one better?

Another Edit: I just realized the music above doesn't fit with this chapta . . . buuuuuut, I'm not removing it.

Ben's POV:

I woke up to be in my dorm room. My vision was a bit blurry. Pain. Pain was all I knew. Then I blacked out again.


The next time I woke up, Erica, Cyrus, Catherine, Alexander and the rest of the gang (not including Zoe) were there. They were talking in quiet voices.

The pain has subsided a bit, probably the painkillers. I groaned and tried to sit up. Pain flared up. I whimpered in pain. (So sorry Ben for putting you through've gone insane, talking to nonliving things.)

In a flash, Erica and the others appeared at my side.

They all looked worried and concerned. 

Suddenly they all began to fire multiple questions at me at once. So much for peace and quiet. I thought.

"Who was the sniper?" Cyrus barked. And I thought he would be sympathetic. At least a little bit. Guess not.

"Benjamin, dear, how are you feeling?" Catherine asked, turning into full-mother mode. "Do you want some tea? I have ginger tea, lavender tea, green tea, lemon tea, almond tea, red rose tea, homemade tea, blah blah blah blah blah." (I made some of those tea up ._.)

"Dude! I can't believe you just got shot!" Mike, Jawa and Chip shouted at the same time. 

Alexander just began to rant. "Don't worry, Ben! I once was on a mission and I got shot just like you did, but I survived. I bet you would too. Must've been those Russkies who shot you...."

I began to tune them all out until I couldn't hear anybody. 

"Guys, please." I said weakly. Everybody stopped talking. Well . . . almost everyone, Alexander was still talking about his made -up mission on how he got shot. But I'm pretty sure his partner in that mission took the bullet.

"Ben, are you good? Any pain?" Erica asked me, her eyes filled with concern. I somehow managed a half smile and replied jokingly, "I could've been better, otherwise than that, I'm good."

They all let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Except Cyrus. His expression didn't change.

"Everybody, OUT. Ben needs his rest." Erica told them. They all obliged.

Erica's POV:

I figured I might as well make it from Erica's POV because 1. you guys must've been wanting it and yeah.

After I told them to go away, I checked to se if anyone was there and then closed the door.

I walked up to Ben and studied him.

Ben looked at me uncomfortably. "Uh . . . do I have something on my face or . . .?"

He didn't get to finish his sentence because I hugged him.


 I didn't get to finish my sentence because Erica hugged me. 

My eyes went wide with shock. After 1.6 seconds Erica pulled away, a bit embarrassed at what she had done.

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