Chapter 11- Stories

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Catherine began to talk. "Oh, one time, when she was two years old, Erica lost her teddy bear and threw a fit. She was screaming so loudly and flinging her Chinese throwing ninja stars everywhere."

I grinned. "Really?"

Catherine nodded. "And another time Erica thought two teenagers were kidnapping her teddy bear and ran after them." Catherine chuckled. "It took literally a whole SWAT team to just hold her down." 

Erica turned red. "Mother." she said sternly. 

The tension was very thick in this room. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed. I glanced desperately at my window which was open at the moment. I was seriously considering to jump through it.

Erica dragged Catherine out of the room and then closed the door.

I could hear Catherine's faint voice shouting at the closed door.

"BERRIICCCAAA FOOORRR LIIIIFFFEEE!!!!" Catherine screamed. (YASSSS CATHERINE!!! Catherine is literally the QUEEN of Berica!!!)

Erica turned pink. I turned into a tomato...again.

Erica turned to me. "Okay, so I need to tell you about why I kidnapped Zoe."

I stayed silent so Erica continued. "While I was on my own mission, I found out several things. It turns out Zoe has met CHAOS before."

"Hold up a minute. What's CHAOS?" I asked.

Erica rolled her eyes. "CHAOS is the new evil organization we're now facing."

"Their name is horrible. They should've been more creative, because their name will be permanent." I muttered.

"We're facing a dangerous organization and you're just worried about their name?" Erica said. And for a moment I thought I detected a teasing tone to it.

"Well it's not my fault that CHAOS has such an horrible name." I said defensively. 

Erica rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I had found out that Zoe had met CHAOS before but CHAOS let her go and made a deal with her: they let her go and she won't tell a soul that they exist. But if she does tell . . ." Erica trailed off.

I knew what was going to happen, and I gotta admit, I got a bit green at the thought of what would've happened to Zoe if she told someone. "So, CHAOS is currently keeping tabs on her?"

Erica nodded. "Yep. That's why I kidnapped her. Because CHAOS is keeping a close eye on her, they can also get information from the people talking to Zoe."

I stared in disbelief. "Wait. . .are you saying that CHAOS knew I was here only because of Zoe?"

"Yes. Now, don't freak out more but I need to do this." 

I stared at her, confused. "I'm not freaking out, though." 

Erica began to rummage for something in her utility belt. "Erica? What are you going to do?" I asked suspiciously. I tensed up. 

Erica got out a syringe and before I could even open my mouth, she injected it into me.

That's when, ladies and gentlemen, I blacked out. Again.

 'I hate going unconscious.'  was my last thought.

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