"What?" I asked.

"I think this class is filled with football player and cheerleaders," she said.

"I think you're right, me being friends with coach and I'm quite good friends with the cheerleading coach. It would be a shame to lose your spots," I said. "I don't think Braydon and Carter want boys who hit girls to wear their jerseys. I definitely wouldn't want you wearing my jersey."

"Come on, you wouldn't do that," Lana said.

"I would and I will," I said and the bell rang. "Now get out of here and behave." The walked out and I looked at Emily. The school phone rang, I walked to it.

"This is Ms. Hart," I said.

"Hey Hart, I just sent a student down there, I need you to take care of that for me," coach said.

"Will do, bye," I said and put the phone down.

"Ms. Hart." a boy called and I looked at him, it was Byron.

"Hey Byron, what's up?" I asked and walked to him, he handed me a clipboard. I smirked. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," he said and walked away and I shut the door, I looked at Emily.

"Let's do this," I said and I made a call, I hung up and we walked to the conference room. The boys started to pile in and they were talking, they looked surprised to see me.

"What're you doing here?" Cason asked.

"You'll see," I said and smirked. "This is about football, I got the list of who made the team. So, just l-" a girl walked in and we looked at her, I didn't recognize her. "Who are you?"

"I'm Alex," she said. "I wanted to try out for football."

"You've got to be joking, there's no way a girl is being on our team," Nate said.

"Who's going to stop me?" She asked.

"Stop," I said. "Just listen to the names." I called out the names and the ones who didn't make it left. "So Alex, you wanna play football?"

"Yes," she said.

"You can try out," I said.

"What?!" The boys yelled.

"Yes," she said and smiled.

"Get back to class, I'll see you on the field," I said and they left, I looked at Emily. "I'm gonna love practice."

"Me too," she said. "Because I'm helping." We smiled and laughed.

Football practice came and we walked to the gym, the boys and Alex walked in.

"Go get changed," I said.

"The girls locker room is locked," Alex said.

"You're changing in the boys locker room," I said.

"What?" She asked. "But their boys."

"You quitting?" Emily asked and she bit her lip.

"Fine," She said and we walked to the boys locker room, I walked and me and Emily got changed and so did Alex.

"Ok, clear out!" I yelled and we walked to the field. "Exercises! Go!" They were going the exercises and Alex was trying to keep up.

"You want to quit Sanford?" Emily asked.

"Not happening," she said and I pushed her the hardest.

"Ok, water break," I said and Cason hit Alex's bum.

"It's football babydoll," he said and she glared at him as he smirked. They got water and I looked at Emily.

"Let her deal with it," she said and I looked back at them. Cason looked at her and I saw him touch her hand and then grabbed water. She looked at her hand and looked confused.

"Ok everyone, pile in!" I yelled and they ran to me. "Ok, I've watched you guys today and I think I've figured out who's playing what, also the football captain."

"What about numbers?" Marcus asked.

"We'll worry about that when the season games gets here," I said. "Now hands in." we out our hands in and we counted off.

"Panthers!" We yelled and the boys ran up the hill and into the school, I changed and I walked out. I hugged Emily bye and got in my car, I drove to the house and got out. It was empty, I walked upstairs and to the bathroom, I took a showers and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and got the test papers out, I had to finish grading them. I sat on my bed and started checking them.

"What're you doing?" Braydon asked.

"Checking Cason's paper," I said.

"For what?" He asked and I looked at him.

"For being one of the school replacements of the Monroe brothers," I said. "I don't know which one yet."

"Oh gee," he said and sat on the bed. "But really."

"I'm a teacher," I said. "I'm doing a favor for Zane and teaching math."

"How is it?" He asked.

"Three boys fought two girls today," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I broke it up, he wasn't very happy with me," I said.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"It's my job," I said.

"Just let me help you," he said and grabbed some of the papers. We finished grading all of them and put them to the side. "What else do you need to do?"

"Football, I'm helping coach," I said.

"Let's see," he said and we finished with the football players.

"God I'm tired," I said.

"I'm proud of you," he said.

"I know," I said and he kissed me and I smiled.

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