Chapter 6

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Braylon's POV

I woke up and took a shower and done my business. I got dressed, grabbed my phone and bookbag, and walked downstairs. Cody looked at me and we walked out, me and Cody haven't spoked a word to me, I don't even know what I did. It's like he hates me now. We got to the school and got out, I walked up to Iris and the boys.

"Hey Bray," they said.

"Hey guys," I said and smiled, we talked and walked to class as the bell rang.

I walked out of my third period and the halls were empty like a ghost town. It would be funny if a ball of dust rolled at the end like in the cartoons. I'm a crazy idiot. I walked towards my locker but saw two boys fighting, I saw who it was, you've got to be kidding me. I walked to my locker, a teacher pulled them apart.

"You, go to class and I'll deal with you later," she said and he listened. "Stay here." Braydon looked at me and smirked, he looked in the office and ran to me.

"On the count of three you run like crazy," he said. "Three." he took off running and I ran behind him, we ran to his car and got in, I looked at him.

"What happened to one and two?" I asked.

"That took to much time," he said and cranked his car and hooked his seatbelt, I followed his action.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said and pulled out, we got to the exit and I saw Mr. Riddles. Braydon waved at him and he waved back, he pulled out.

"What the?" I asked.

"I'm Braydon Monroe," he said and we drove for awhile and pulled into a diner. Mickeys diner to be exact, he got out and walked around and opened my door. I got out and he shut it. "Let's eat."

"But I'm n-" my stomach growled and I touched it. "Well, the monster in my belly just snitched on me." he chuckled.

"You're one funny weird girl," he said and his laughed was adorable, he wrapped his arm around my waist. My stomach was going insane and we walked in. It reminded me of the diner off the movie cinderella story.

We walked to a booth and he sat across from me and a girl skated to us, she had on a poodle skirt.

"Nice to see you again, Braydon," She said and looked at me.

"Chelsea, this is my friend Braylon and Braylon, this is my cousin, Chelsea," Braydon said.

"Now, what would you like?" she asked.

"Two milkshakes and the fries," he said.

"Coming right up," she said and skated away.

"This feels so weird," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I've never brung a girl in here," He said. "This is a family restaurant, mom side." I smiled.

"Well, I feel so special," I said and he blushed.

"Be quiet," he said and I chuckled. We ate our food and we walked out. We got back in the car and buckled up.

"Where now?" I asked as he pulled out.

"Your house, I have to get home before the boys notice I'm gone," he said and I groaned, he turned on the radio. He was singing lips are moving by Meghan Trainer, I was laughing and I started singing. It went off and he looked at me. "It was a solo act Braylon." I stuck my tongue out at him, he pulled into my driveway.

"Bye Braydon," I said and smiled.

"Bye Braylon," he said and smiled, I got out and Bryson walked out. I walked up to him.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"When'd you start hanging with Braydon Monroe?" He asked.

"Iris and I hang out with all the Monroe brothers," I said.

"Who would've thought?" He asked.

"Whatever," I said and rolled my eyes. "Is Kali here?"

"Yeah," he said and we walked inside, Frankie and Nick were kissing on the couch, Kali was asleep in her playpen, and I could smell food.

"Hey guys," I said and they looked at me.

"What?" Frankie snapped, I don't have Cody and I don't have Frankie.

"Nothing," I said, I walked and picked up Kali, I walked to the kitchen, I grabbed her cup and put Apple juice in it and grabbed her food. "Mom, I'm upstairs."

"Ok," she said and I walked upstairs, I walked into Kali's room. I sat her on the floor and gave her the cup and food and sat with her, my phone vibrated and I pressed ignore.

I see trees of green, red roses, too,
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands, sayin', "How do you do?"
They're really sayin', "I love you."
I hear babies cryin'. I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Kali laughed and I smiled.

The Monroe Brothers {GETTING PUBLISHED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ