Summer festival

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The summer festival is starting in 5 hours, Levi has been rambling about it since yesterday. Saying he's very excited about it. Mammon has been doing part-time jobs and save money, just to spend it on the festival later. You've been preparing your Yukata and matching wooden fan too. Lucifer doesn't really know what to spend his summer holiday so he just said yes to the invitation from Dia.

You put on your Yukata and comb your hair, hanging the fan on your wrist don't forget the wooden sandal. Perfect, you come out of the room and waited for others to get changed. Taking selfies and checking yourself in the mirror. Lucifer came out first with Barb and Diavolo, the rest of the brothers, and then the angels. They all look great, Luke looking funny in his oversized Yukata he had to lift up the lower part of it. "Princess fido" Mammon would call him, and just annoy him.

Finally, just looking from the entrance and you already know there are atleast 1000 people are already there (shhh, Corona doesn't exist. Use your imagination,) lantern lights are decorating the places, and various booths lining up on the street each has their own creation and theme. Levi feeling uncomfy since he always hated crowded places, "Look! There's shooting booths and it gives out limited figurines!" The kid pointed out and cheer, Levi immediately aroused in the feeling of wanting to get them all. The group began to split up as they found a booth of their own interest.

You came with Levi to play the shooting game, "Just like a pokemon I gotta catch 'em all" he said, he's willing to spend his money on this booth just to get all the figurine he wanted. It's been 8 minutes and he's still in this booth. "cmon kid, the others wanna play too, plus your boy/girl friend waiting for you. They'll get mad if you don't finish this up quickly" The booth keeper blew smoke out of his mouth. Finally, Levi got all the things he wanted and left.

Asmo is with the Purgatory Hall member are playing Kingyo sukui (like scooping goldfish with a tool called "Poi", which is made of a thin washi paper that can be easily torn when contacted with water) "ah so hard.." Asmo complained trying to catch the goldfish but keeps breaking the tool, you joined them to test your skills, Luke is surprisingly skilled in doing it he already catches 7 fish without breaking the tool. Asmo took a deep breath trying to calm himself down, "Must not stress so my skin doesn't breakout. Namaste...." He goes for one more round and finally quit after. You did ten-round and catches 8 goldfish, Simeon got 5, Asmo got 1 and Solomon doesn't get anything because he's doing it aggressively.

The fantastic three is doing the shooting game, you joined, this time the prize was plushies, dolls, cute led lights, and many other cute things. Dia tried to get the Unicorn plushie to give to Lucifer, he already played for like times but still, he doesn't get anything. "Allow me to win this for you, my lord" Barb interrupted, bang!!! 1 bullet but he got all 3 of the towers down. The kid next to us cheered "Waaah! Mister is so cool!" "Wowww! I wanna try like that too!" Barb smiled at them, Diavolo picked the Unicorn and give it to Luci, Luci really wanted to say no to this gift, but even as a demon, he has morals. Next Luci tried the game, he won 3 rounds in a row. "Thank you, Luci! Big teddy bear :D" you hug it tightly, "Thank you, Luci! Medium-sized goldfish plushie" Diavolo raises the plushie, "Thank you, Luci. Small cloud-shaped LED lights" Barb admiring the thing.

Now with Satan and Mammon, they're playing ring toss. They're really absorbed in it, I just watch from the back. "Baaah!" I interrupted them on the moment before they throw the ring, messing their aim. "Ahh, we're having a competition here don't scare us like that" Satan continues with his rings throwing, "Oh I see, I wanna join too" You waited until they finished this round and buy 10 rings. "Yah, let the game begin!" Mammon half yelled and start throwing his rings, likewise, I did. We played 5 rounds until Mammon's pocket empty, Satan win 2 times, I win 2 times too, "Awwh man I could've win again but I only have 2 Grimms on me" Mammon sobbed. "You know Y/N, pole is not the only thing I wanna put a ring on tonight" Satan clings onto you, he pulls out a beautiful gold ring with your favorite crystal on it and puts it on your ring finger. "Oh Satan, this is beautiful, where did you get it?" You look at it in awe, "I got it as a prize from a game" You promised him you'll keep it forever.

We joined the twins looking for something to eat, they're at the kakigori stall buying shaved ice, Beel bought 6 for himself then you guys came, instead, he gave 3 of the kakigori he bought to you, Mammon, and Satan. Feeling sleepy Belphie didn't hesitate to sleep and fell to the hard ground, people around look at him. Beel sighed and pick him up on his shoulder, we continued to walk to different food stalls and play different games. Until it's finally midnight, we all go back as one group and go to the bridge to watch the fireworks blasts in the sky. Everybody is happy, you're happy. You and them are having the best moment in this life right now, Asmo perpetuated this moment with a selfie. Until it's finally time to leave, you and your favorite person kissed under the firework.

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