Sex on the beach || Barbatos

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Barbatos x Reader
3rd Person POV
Italic word: Him

You and Barbatos got out of the beach house and walk towards the gazebo in the middle of the sea.  It was midnight in the human world, the lights are out, and only the moonlit shone over the gazebo, a small open space with lounge chairs and sheer curtains tied to the wooden pillar of the gazebo. Barbatos lits an aromatic candle on the nightstand and walks next to you, your eyes gazed at the moon and its moonlit hitting the sea, how beautiful.

Barbatos look over at you, admiring your prominent feature. How the moon looks reflect on your eyes and skin, how it compliments your elegance and your loose hair. You look over at his eyes and smile, he couldn't help but grazed a kind smile at you causing you to blush and look away. "Are you nervous..?" He asked looking at your blushing ear, quickly you blurted out "N-no! Not at all ehehe"

Barbatos looks away,  also gazing at the moon. "Today I pleaded young master to give me a break so I can be with someone special. He allowed me to, and here I am with the someone special I'm talking about" He confessed.

Your cheek is crimson red right now, and your heart beats faster, not daring to face him. He comes closer and hugs you from the back, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Is something troubling you, Y/N?"

You flinched at the sudden action, you could feel your knees becoming weak as he got close to your ear. "O-oh really? Are you happy..?" You asked him to reference the confession he just did. He answered, "Yes, certainly."

You turned your body to him and pull him close to you to give him a small peck. His eyes widen, touching his lips. You avoided eye contact with him but he pulls you again, "I want..more, more passionately." He licked your lips asking for you to open them and insert his tongue into your mouth. Both of you started making out, your legs had already given up on trying to keep you up so Barb supported you by picking you up and laying you on the lounge chair.

Barbatos pulled off from the kiss and went to pull the curtains together to cover you and him, now the only light radiating is from a single candle. 

He began unbuttoning his beach shirt, you too take off your own cardigan and unzip your shorts. He looks at you up and down with a smile on his face tracing his hand down along your side, he lifts your tank top over his head and started kissing your stomach and up to your chest. After that, he comes out breathless.

You panted out his name, "Please.." you begged but were unclear on what you wanted him to do. He hmm-ed you indicating that he doesn't understand, "Touch me more" you begged once again. He chuckled and slides his hands inside your pants, doing so as you commanded. "Like this?" He asks to make sure, you nodded and grind yourself to him.

You start shaking at the feeling of his palm, soft whine came out from your lips begging him to do it faster. Barbatos just chuckle at your impatientness and continue it until you felt like you're about to cum and he gets his hands off you. He stripped out of his hands and pulls your shorts down and position himself between your leg, kissing you passionately as he grinds on you. Your hands found their way to his head, messing with his hair and wrapping your legs around his waist.

"I need you inside me right now, please put it inside" You whined and he inserts it without warning, you cried out and gripped his hair. "Y/N, you're too tight, you're squeezing me.." He didn't move until you adjust to his size. Then he starts moving gently keeping eye contact when doing it, but you felt shy and looked away. He giggled and caress your cheeks to kiss both of them.

His lips connected with you as you moaned softly into his mouth and your back arches. You were so turned on by this side of him,

Soon a wave of pleasure washed over you, and you both reached your climax.

 He put on your clothes back on you and his on him, cleans up the gazebo fast before bringing you back inside, and cleans you up in the shower. He spoons you and whispered "I love you" in your sleep.

Revised Date: Saturday, 2 April 2022/ 01:45 AM

(Sorry this was rushed I wanted to upload another chapter for Barb but I need to revise this before uploading that to make it make sense.)

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