Paranoid Nights || Solomon

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Solomon x Reader

Luke was already asleep on Simeon's arms, you still watching the Movie with Simeon and Solomon. Simeon was tearing up about how cruel those antagonist are, there was a lot of 

jumpscares and your heart can barely handle it. Solomon just watch this with a smile on his face.

Simeon: can they just kill the innocents without feeling bad?!

You: Look away if y- Aaaagh! grabs blanket and cover eyes

Solomon: Hmmm

You: Solomon, how are you not scared?!?! And smile all the time

Solomon: Maybe it's because you keep grabbing on my shirt and snuggle your face on my chest when jumpscares comes out

You: I'm just scared okay

Solomon: Oh well

Time skip after the movie end

Simeon lift up Luke's body, and bring him to his room to tuck him to sleep. Simeon go back to his room and sleep.Solomon already asleep and you still awake, still paranoid about the sceneYou think to yourself

"Sleep or nah?? Sleep or nah?, wait I should probably go to sleep. Wait no what if some demon kidnap and kill me like in the scene??, oh shut up I'm in the purgatory hall right now- wait no, no way I can sleep. But the chances getting killed here is low, but not 0%"

You're sitting on the bed and out of nowhere Solomon just laughed, you were shock you screamed

"WHAT THE- dammit Solomon"

You turn to face Solomon, and wake him up.

Solomon: aghh, who dare to interrupt my-

You: sorry Solomon, I can't sleep so I woke you up

Solomon: What's wrong?

You: I'm paranoid

Solomon: hmm, there's nothing to be scared of

You: what if-

Solomon: no random demon's gonna break in anyways. The front door has a spell

You: I'm still scared

Solomon: come here

You: Why?

Solomon: this

You: oh god oh god, pls don't be random demon pretending to be Solomon

Solomon: chuckles It's just me

You: O-okay..

Solomon: Are you nervous?

You: No, not really

Solomon: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go to sleep

You: Thanks Solomon

Solomon: *Giggle* no problem *lift up your chin*

Solomon lift up my chin and connect his lips with mine. He pull off and licked his lips. I just look up to him and close my eyes with blush on my face. After Solomon embrace me I felt more calm than before, that instantly drift me off to sleep.

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