Stay with me || Barbatos

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Barbatos x You
3rd Person POV
Italic word: Him

You entered the room you always sleep in, after all of the sports activities you had on your schedule, what you really want to do is take your time to have a nice soothing bath in rose petals that will cleanse and rejuvenate your skin from all that sweats running down your body. You stripped out from your clothing and put on a black bathrobe. Called Barbatos that's just in front of your room's door to command him, "Make me a warm bath with my favorite scented oil, rose petals should be fine" he bowed and entered your bathroom to do so as you said.

"Is everything to my master's liking?" Barbatos asked, "Perfect" you just answered. Barbatos bowed, "Very well if you need anything I'll be outside of your door, I will then take my leave" he turned around and twisted the doorknob, "Barbatos you're a liar" You called out to him without turning around, instantly he lets go of the doorknob and turn to you again.

"You said you'd protect me and be by my side 24/7" the loose silk robe fall from your body, showing your radiating skin as you end that sentence. Barbatos looked away blushing, though he remember that he has no place to see or touch your skin. Before sitting down in the tub your legs played with the water, "Are you gonna risk leaving your master alone, weak, naked, and defenseless?"

You lifted your legs up from the water, he apologized still looking away. You turned around to him then approach him, "if you want to apologize then you'll have to fulfill my request"

Your hands gripped softly on his jaw to make him look at you, "Stay and keep your eyes on me", "Well, if that's what master wishes for, I can't turn down on it" soon after he nodded and you let go of his jaw and walk back to the bathtub to dip yourself in the lavish feeling of the water. You closed your eyes for a second to relax, letting your skin absorb all of the vitamins and antioxidants from the rose petals. "Ahh... nothing feels better than this, right Barbatos?", "Yes, you have a lovely choice in bath ingredients"

That voice of him was surely lingered by stiffness the whole time, your eyes opened to see if he's really keeping your eyes on you and he really did, but his facial expression is really stiff it made you giggle "Why so stiff Mr. Butler?" Barbatos raised his eyebrows but his face seems to relax a bit after that statement"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was making stiff face..I daydreamed..a bit" What was he daydreaming about? Probably you.

"Did you have fun today?"

"You're my butler, you should know how my mood is by seeing how my body moves and react"

"Then, I get that you're in a bad mood today? Is it because of that boy from your fencing class earlier? Or is it because your horse slacked on you on the polo sparring?"

"All of them are shit, I wanna take a break"

"That explains enough"

"Did you have fun today?"

"I did, to accompany my master today is really fun"

"Then... do you mean that you're having fun watching me suffer under the sunlight and you just sit on the bleacher, you got guts Barb"

"Ah..I didn't mean it like that, I meant you're a fun person to be with. That's why I like being by your side"  Barbatos's cheeks showed a faint red color as he said the last part

Even though you were joking when you said that, how Barbatos react when admitting that was really cute. It made you smile to yourself, "Does that mean you like companying me, even in the bath too?" Barbatos didn't expect that kind of question but he answered it anyway "I am glad I can accompany you everywhere."

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