Your idiot, forever || Mammon

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 You have completed your 1 year RAD journey, of course Diavolo send you home. Through all the moments you had been in, the one that match your likings is when you're with Mammon. From accidentally eating bird poop, fell to the lake, broke the bed because you both use it as a trampoline.

I smile as I rethink of the memories I been through, holding photos of me and the demon brothers, exchange students. I write the moments when the photo was taken behind the pic and insert it on the photo book Satan had bought for me

Then I hear ringing's from my D.D.D, I check it and the name "Mammon" was displayed on the screen. I received a video call from him, I pick up the call and sit down on the desk. Setting my phone on the tripod.

Mammon: Oi! Whaddya doin right there?

You: I'm writing moments

Mammon: Wha? What's that supposed to mean?

You: I'm writing the moment when these photos were taken and insert it on the photo book

Mammon: Hmm, you got no business doing that, why is your life so boring ever since you back to Human world?

You: I miss all of you guys, human world suck

Mammon: Heh, guess Devildom is rubbing onto ya.. talk to me

You: I am talking to you right now

Mammon: No I mean like talk about some topic

You: Ohh I just ate red bean soup yesterday

Mammon: Not that kind of talk you, idiot

You: Harsh

Mammon: umhh.. sorry, I'm just mad

You: Why?

Mammon: Life in Devildom is boring without ya... just saying

You: Do you guys miss me?

Mammon: Pffft no- You could get sick and die for all I care

You: Whatever Mammon, *whisper* you tsundere hoe

Mammon: Yo! What did you say?! I'm a tsundere what?!

You: A tsundere hoe

Mammon: First off! I'm not a tsundere so STOP calling me that, second! You're the only at person I talk to besides my brother, so no way I'm a hoe!!

You: yeah yeah, okay. What U doing right there?

Mammon: Counting money

You: as always, how's your modelling career?

Mammon: good, why?

You: Just thought I'd ask you

Mammon: How's yours doing?

You: boring... I have no one to be crazy with

Mammon: Heh, you live alone don't you?

You: Yeah somehow people around me never talk to me

Mammon: Where's your parents?

You: I don't know... I haven't seen them since I got back to the human world. Maybe they on business trip

Mammon: Ohh, oh yeah I made something for you

You: What is it?

Mammon: Look at this cool drawing! Neat right??

You: Aww is that me and you?

Mammon: Yep! I use the finest crayon ever

You: Who's money you buy it with, isn't that expensive

Mammon: I use Lucifer's credit card, I'm sure he don't mind if it's for you *smile*

You: Thanks Mammon, when are you going to send it?

Mammon: When me and the others are having trip to human world

You: aww why

Mammon: Haha don't worry, we're having a break next week, and we are going to visit you

You: Really?!?!?!? YAYY!

Mammon: Okay dummy you don't need to scream

You: *chuckle* I'm excited

Both of you talked and talked til it's past midnight, you couldn't stay up a bit longer so you fell asleep on videocall. Mammon decides to watch you asleep a bit longer before hang up. When he's finally sleepy he said his one last word to you before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you idiot, You're my idiot forever. I'll see ya next week"

Then he hung up and drift off to sleep.

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