Chapter 09 - Unexpected

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Ibuki POV

Currently I was standing with Kaneda beside me, listening to instruction from that bastard that keep kuku'ed for five minutes straight there.

I had no choice but to obey this man, as much as I hate to say he is someone worth to pay attention to, while his method is somewhat questionable and his attitude is very annoying, not to mention his face kinda enticed everyone to land a punch on it but he isn't someone that need to get underestimated.

“And that's all, if both of you wanna ask something, better do it now” Ryuuen finished his explanation.

The plan was plain simple, me and Kaneda will infiltrate both Class D and class B respectively, pretending that we both got into fight with Ryuuen that both of us got exiled from our class base so we had no place to go. Although that's sounds lame for some reason.

Once we gain their trust they will lower their caution, making it easier to find the leader. We will take a picture of the leader card using digital camera that we rented beforehand.

“The way you explain it make it sounds easy, but how do we got into their base?” I asked.

It would be funny if I was barged into their base out of nowhere saying something like “Hey sorry I just got into fight with my class and now I don't have any place to go, can I stay at your base?” Everyone would weirded out by that. And of course I would never do that.

“Kuku I will explain that later, for last. For now what do you want to ask?”

Both of us shake our head.

“Now then, to make sure they fall for our trap i need to instill hatred in you both. It will raised the credibility that you both are indeed trying to against me” He said.

“No need, I already hate you from the bottom of my heart” I said. That was my true thought, if I have different option to swap him with others class leader I would do it without hesitation.

“Kukuku, I like that honesty of yours, however I need to instill real hatred on you. Not verbally but also physically”

“Huh?” What does he mean by that?

But before I asked Ryuuen suddenly dashed towards me without warning.


In a second he already a few inch before me then landed a powerful blow at my left cheeks. I don't even have time to react.

His punch was really powerful that it blasted me away, I sat on the ground with my right hand to prop from failing.

“Damn it! What was that for?!” I yelled.


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I caressed my left cheeks, I was sure it become swollen now. However he just stood there with unchanged smiling expression.

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