Vergil: make sure to not get caught or found. I'd hate to do something I might regret later on.

The two nodded and I pulled my cloak over my head. Hm, maybe I should give them a little test run to see if multiple Heroes could harm me.

Everything here is extremely disappointing. But then again, I haven't fought any Mamono. Though I am curious if Dragons really are powerful.

I walked around for a minute before reaching the gate. Honestly, I was expecting something more like golden gates rather than a standard looking one. Oh well, they built it, not me.

After getting in with almost no hiccups, I found myself at the market. I must say, the place must be something similar to e central market. Diverse fruits and vegetables, meat freshly cut and even live livestock can be bought. For an Order Territory, they don't do half bad.

After buying my necessities. I immediately went on my way back to my camp. However, I found myself walking through a part of the city that I can feel a bit of pity on.

The slums, I guess for a city as well renowned as Lescatie. Poverty is still a bug problem. I hid behind an alleyway and stored my groceries inside a pocket dimension where I keep all my items and my Devil Arm. Truly being a son of Sparda has some great merits.

I exited the alleyway, careful not to look them in the eye. But much to my surprise, a Nun accidentally collided with myself and she fell on her bum. Her groceries spilling on the floor.

Vergil: Apologies sister, I was rather distracted to notice you.

She shook her head and took my offered hand.

Nun: Ah, no need to apologize sir. It was mostly my mistake for not looking where I was going, hehe.

She nervously laughed and scratched her cheek. To which I only sighed and picked up her spilled groceries.

Nun: Ah! No need for you to help me! I've troubled you enough as it is.

Vergil: I insist. Consider this as an apology for making you drop them.

She blushed but nodded in acceptance.

Nun: Ah... Thank you for the help... Uhm.

Vergil: Vergil, call me Vergil.

Sasha: Ah, thank you very much Vergil, my name is Sasha Fullmoon.

Vergil: Well Sister Fullmoon, I must take my leave. Do be careful next time.

With that, I left and went straight to the camp. Upon arriving, I almost want to stab someone after seeing the state of the camp.

Meera: Alpha, you have returned. This is Druella, youngest Daughter of the Demon Lord.

I rubbed my temple. However, seeing Topaz shake slightly at seeing Druella, gives me a lot of warning bells in my head.

Vergil: Greetings Druella. What brings you to our little campsite?

She hummed and placed a hand on the side of her face.

Druella: I was just curious, after all, someone like Meera here is very rare. The little Lamia as well, that shade of her scale is like the sunset.

Topaz flinched as she was mentioned by Druella.

Vergil: I see. I must thank you for giving keeping them company. However, I am sure you have someone looking for you right now. Considering how long I've been gone.

She looked at me, slightly frowning from what I told her.

Druella: I must agree, I'm sure my subordinates are dying from just running around looking for me.

I only grunted in response and watch her reveal her wings and fly between the trees.

Meera: Alpha... Why did you do that.

Vergil: I don't trust her. Topaz herself is struggling to be within her presence.

Meera raised a brow, but nonetheless glanced at Topaz and much to her curious surprise. Topaz is slightly shivering but has calmed down once she grabbed my hand. This is... Curious.

Vergil: We must tread carefully around her, I'm not sure but I'm fairly certain she has something to do with Topaz's village being raided.

I once more glanced at Topaz, who finally calmed down but still shaken but her encounter with Druella. Hopefully we won't meet her again.

Vergil: Alright, we have to stay for a couple of days anyway so make yourself comfortable.

And with that, we properly set up camp and prepared for tomorrow.

And there's another chapter for you peeps. With Vergil meeting Druella, I'm sure chaos will ensue in the future. That's all and SOUL out!

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