"Just enough power to break it." I said to Yagi.

"You got it." Yagi said before preparing for the signal.

"Hello? I gotta pizza delivery here." Kamihara knocked on the door.

"Smash!" Yagi crushed the bar wall, alerting the villains.

"What the-" A voice said.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Tomura ordered.

Nishiya then used his power move to contain them.

"Heh. That's it?" Dabi asked before Gran Torino knocked him out.

"Don't do anything foolish. It's in your best interest to cooperate with us." He said.

"Just what I'd expect from a competent new hero. And a veteran pro who moves faster than the eye can see! You can't run anymore, League of Villains. Understand? Because we are here now!" Yagi stated.

"Right after the press conference? They had this ruse planned the whole time!" Mr. Compress said.

"Tree man! You're hugging me too tight! Harder!" Twice said.

"One tends to neglect defense when they're on the offense. But we didn't come alone. Take a look." Kamihara said, unlocking the door in front of me and the swat team.

"You!" Tomura glared at me.

"You're surrounded by the police. Not to mention powerful heroes like Endeavor." Kamihara explained.

"Ah. You must've been scared. But you stayed strong. I'm sorry. You're safe now, young man." Yagi said, addressing Bakugo.

"What?! I wasn't scared! Not even close!" Bakugo shouted.

"After I went through all the trouble of preparing this, the final boss goes and shows up on my doorstep along with a traitor!?" Tomura growled.

"Kurogiri! Warp over as many as you can!" Tomura shouted.

"The Nomu, right?" Yagi asked.

"What are you waiting for, dammit?" Tomura asked.

"I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomu's were supposed to be in a fixed location but.. they're gone!" Kurogiri apologized.

"It seems you have a lot to learn, Shigaraki. You're still green. Your little League underestimated all of us. The soul of this young man. The police's diligent investigations. And.. our righteous fury!" Yagi said.

"Enough. You're provoking something you're not meant to meddle in." I stated before crouching down to Tomura's level.

"You're game has come to an end, Tomura Shigaraki!" Yagi said, his eyes shining a blue hue.

"All Might, please! You're the only hero Stain respected! You are worthy!" A purple haired lizard shouted in fear.

"You think it's over? Don't be stupid. I've only just begun to play. Justice. Peace. You created a garbage society by lifting up such ridiculous ideals. That's why I targeted you, All Might. It's why I started gathering people to my cause. I thought you understood that, father. But no, you had to side with the heroes. You think this is the end? Then you've lost. Kurogiri!" Tomura shouted staggering up to his feet.

Kurogiri was then stabbed unconscious by Kamihara.

"What just happened? I couldn't see anything. Did they kill him?" Someone asked from behind the bar.

"I played around with his insides and made him fall unconscious. Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce! He was such a nuisance. He had to sleep."Kamihara said.

"Weren't you listening earlier? You'll all be better off if you take us seriously. Kenji Hikiishi. Atsuhiro Sako. Shuichi Iguchi. Himiko Toga. Jin Bubaigawara. Though they had little time and information, the police worked through the night to discover your true identities. Do you understand? There's nowhere left for any of you to run. So, Shigaraki. One question. Where is your boss hiding?" Torino stated.

"No. This is not over. Just you wait. The game is still mine." Tomura stated.

"You'll tell us where he is right now!" Yagi demanded.

"Go away. Disappear!" Tomura said.

"Shigaraki!" Yagi shouted.

"This is your fault! I hate you!" Tomura shouted before familiar gray matter came from thin air.

"We have a plan, T. Trust me. I don't like it but it's the best we've got to fight back against the heroes in due time." I sent through Tomura's head.

He looked at me in confusion as chaos surrounded us.

Nomu came from out of the portals.

"Nomu! How'd they get here? What is this?" Kamui asked, eyes widening.

"Dammit, Edgeshot. Stop, Kurogiri!" Torino shouted.

"He's still out. This isnt his doing." Kamihara stated.

"They keep on coming." Torino said.

"Don't release them under any circumstances, got it?" Yagi ordered to Nishiya.

"Bakugo!" I shouted seeing a portal come from his mouth.

"What the crap?" Bakugo asked.

"Bakugo! No!" Yagi shouted as Bakugo was swallowed by the portal.

"Endeavor! Help us!" Nishiya shouted.

More portals started showing up outside.

As me, Yagi, and Torino fought off the Nomu's, I could sense it was beginning. I can only hope everything goes as planned.

"Toshinori. What now?" Torino asked.

"They shouldn't have been able to warp Nomu here. And this backup came to fast!" Yagi stated.

"You need to go to the second location now. We can handle it from here. I'll get over there as fast as I can." I ordered before kicking back another Nomu.

" I ordered before kicking back another Nomu

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