𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 💙

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Hi Percashippers! Yes, I'm sticking to the catchphrase and welcome to another episode of Navzoon's cringy one-shots. Hope you liked the last or if you didn't read it welcome to something a little more innocent. Strap yourselves in this one is a bit... exciting. Not in that way, Imma be a bit of Uncle Rick now. And yes the photo above is the background picture of my account. Cya on the other side.

Annabeth was sitting in her office when she got a phone call from an unknown number, she ignored it. She didn't pick up phone calls from strangers.

"Annabeth, this number keeps calling the phone," Stephanie read out the number and it was again the same number. "Should I send them through?"

"Sure." Annabeth sighed maybe it was important. She picked up the phone drumming her nails on the desk.

"Is this Mrs Chase-Jackson? I'm Captain Trent Richardson your husband is one of my detectives." 

What did Percy do now?

Annabeth tried to sound professional, it was difficult because her mind kept jumping to bad scenarios.

What if he's dead?

She felt tears start to well in her eyes but she stopped herself. She could cry later. "Yes, that's me."

"Mrs. Chase-Jackson I'm very sorry to inform you but your husband has been shot in the line of duty." Annabeth nearly dropped the phone. She knew Percy's job was dangerous and she had to prepare herself for these things but now that the worse was here she was just in disbelief.

"Is h-he dead...?" Her voice came out a lot more broken than she intended it to. Percy made her promise that if this ever happened she would stay strong... But he could be dead and she couldn't keep her promise.

"No, I probably shouldn't have paused between those sentences." Annabeth sighed. He was alive, hurt but alive. "He was shot in the shoulder saving a fellow officer, he's a very brave man and a good officer. He's recovering in this hospital." Captain Richardson gave her the address of the hospital and she wrote it down with her very shaky hand.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss. Goodbye." Annabeth said goodbye and called Stephanie in.

"Cancel anything I have today I'm going home early," Annabeth told her putting on her coat and gloves.

"But Annabeth don't you have-"

"Cancel it or postpone it," Annabeth said as she walked out the door into the chilly New York air. She had to go home first to grab some nectar and ambrosia, she doubted the hospital had any.


Thirty minutes later Annabeth was in the reception line of the hospital waiting. It seemed like everyone's husbands had been shot, she was getting impatient when she finally got to the front of the line.

"Name and patient's name?" The bubbly reception asked. She seemed a little too happy to be working in a hospital telling people what rooms their sick relatives were in.

"Annabeth Chase-Jackson and Percy Jackson," Annabeth said quickly.

"What is your relationship with Mr. Jackson?" Annabeth knew she was only doing her job but it wasn't like Annabeth hadn't already made it obvious with the last name.

"I'm his wife." She tapped her foot on the floor.

"Room 336."

"Thank you." Annabeth rushed up as fast as she could, people probably thought she was crazy but she couldn't exactly bring herself to care. Her husband had just been shot for Hades' sake.

Percy was just sitting there because that's all he could do currently. When Annabeth came in looking like a Hellhound and Empousai were chasing her at the same time. "Wise Gi-"

"You got shot." She crossed her arms across her chest. Dam she was hot when she was mad.

"Not on Purpose." he joked. Wrong thing to say.

"This no time for jokes, Perseus. Not to mention your captain HAD to pause before he told me you weren't dead why the hell did I let you decide to take this job? I'm so stupid, you're so stu-"

"Annabeth, calm down. I'm fine."

"What if you weren't fine? What if the bullet hit you in the chest or worse the head? Then what?" Then the tears started coming. Annabeth didn't cry a lot, but when she did it took a lot to calm her down. Percy hated that this time around he was the reason she was crying.

"Well then thank the gods that I am fine. I'm not going to leave you, Sweetheart, Not ever." He held out his hand and she walked over and took it. She sat down next to him and he put his good arm around her waist and kissed her on the forehead. "I promise."

"I'm sorry, I should be one comforting you. I jus-just don't want to lose you." Her voice quivered as she wiped away the tears.

"I'm right here, Wise Girl, you're not getting away from me. I love you so much."

"As long we're together, I love you more." She smiled up at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh, I almost forgot I brought some nectar and ambrosia." She got up to dig through her bag.

"Thank goodness this hospital food tastes worse than Jason's pasta." He gagged. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling Jason you said that."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would."

"You know it's rude to sell your husband out, you're supposed to be covering for me."

"Where did it say that in the wedding vows that I took?"

"I don't know do you really think I listened, I was too busy staring at how beautiful you looked." He winked. She blushed and then felt annoyed at herself that even though he was sick she still fell for his 'charms'.

"Shut up and just eat the ambrosia, Jackson." She handed it to him and he took a bite.

"Mm, tastes like m-"

"Yes, yes I know your mother's blue cookies, I swear you still have the taste buds of a twelve-year-old boy."

"Hey! Not everyone can be as dignified as you, Mrs. Chase-Jackson." He loved saying her last name, it really made him feel like she was his. And gods did he love that feeling.

"Well then Mr. Jackson, it's a good thing I asked Sally to bring some cookies for you when she visited."

"Good. They"ll help me recover faster than any hospital medicine, well that and your kisses. Those are especially important."

"I don't think that's scientifically accur-" He kissed her wrapping his good arm around her waist and brought her in closer.

"Does it really matter, Gorgeous?" He whispered lips inches away from hers.

"I never really cared about science." She giggled.

"Yeah, science wasn't able to discover the gods." That made her laugh.

Percy could survive anything as long as he had his Wise Girl by his side. Anything even the depths of hell itself.

Annabeth fell asleep next to him that night. His arm wrapped around her waist, her head on his shoulder.
That's it. Sure it's a bit dramatic and bipolar but that's my whole personality. 😭😩🤚. So welcome. You probably drill by now... Did you like it? Feedback? Things I should change?

Bye bitches.

-Navzoon ❤️

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 | A Percabeth one-shot book Where stories live. Discover now