Chapter 44: Ellie

Start from the beginning

Even athletes in other sports know Jake Harrison.

The football team obviously knew my brother and I was well aware that USC played here in four weeks. Logan said a lot of guys eyed that game already and my parents texted me last night with an update from their side.

Mom: booked our hotel for October 16-17. We're flying up Friday evening, back Sunday morning.

My only reaction last night was that my eyebrows raised at how they'd chosen to fly instead of drive. I was surprised but relieved that they'd booked a hotel room. Since our apartment was so small, extra people only made the space smaller.

Guess the drive back was rougher on them this time.

me: Okay, send me the flight info and I'll pick you up from the airport.

Mom: If you work Friday then we'll just take a cab.

me: k

Mom: Jake's staying with us Sat night, flying back to LA. Hope everyone can go out to dinner afterwards.

And that's why they have the hotel.

Again, with all things related to my golden boy brother, I wasn't surprised that he was required to fly back with the Trojans. But a small part of me was glad that meant he'd made an effort to see me.

Wonder how he'll react seeing Logan again.

"If you don't have a personal laptop, then the department's lab computers are available or I suggest you find someone in class who has one," Dr. Pearce continued.

Unlike my now famous roommate, my only recognition in every class was 'that girl' who answered the questions correctly, which I took as no coincidence in how Jake sat next to me in Stat Methods and nicknamed me 'smart cookie.' He seemed harmless enough but, by the graded quizzes Dr. Pearce passed back, hadn't started out as well.

"Very good, Miss Harrison," Dr. Pearce passed me my graded quiz and last week's homework, both of which had perfect scores written on their top right corners. "Thanks for typing those and saving my eyes from squinting while I try to decipher hand scribbles."

My cheeks warmed slightly at her compliment and I tucked the papers under my notebook. I'd asked Dr. Pearce after the second class if she'd accept my homeworks over email. I'd typed them up regardless and wanted to avoid an incident I'd had last year when one of my paper take-home exams turned up 'undelivered.'

Fortunately, I had an electronic copy and emailed my professor, but a few changed answers later led to another exam that was identical to mine and we discovered another student had taken mine from the professor's mailbox when they'd handed theirs in.

Better safe than sorry.

"Hey." Jake's elbow nudged mine. "Want to be my programming partner?"

"Do you have a laptop?" I asked and he nodded, then gave me a hopeful look.

"I..." I hesitated at his 'D+' quiz score, then pulled what I hoped looked like a polite smile. "I can't control where you sit, we can work together Wednesday if no one else asks me."

"Awesome, thanks." He flashed me a wide smile.

"Only if you stop calling me smart cookie," I pointed one finger at him accusingly.

He only changed his smile into a smirk. "No promises."



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