Start from the beginning

I walked up the steps because.... well Nali always does so I should just go ahead and do the same.

I unlocked the apartment door and went inside... Everything is quiet.. I sat the Ihop bag down on the table and when I went closer to the door, I heard the familiar snores that I love.

When I had confirmation that it was Nali, I went back to the kitchen and I had got some plates.

I put the pancakes on them and put them on the table..

All I need to do is...

dispose of the evidence.

• • •

After I did my duties at the trashcan outside, I went straight to the apartment and went straight back to Nali.

I woke her up by shaking her lightly. She mumbled a few words but I couldn't make out what she said.

Her nose scrunched as she slowly fluttered her eyes open to see me standing in front of her. She flinched then... she fell straight one the floor in front of my feet.

"Ow..." She groaned, her voice rasp.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to suppress a laugh as I helped her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." She mumbled and I lightly smiled.

"Follow me." I said as I took her hand in mine and I lead her out of her bedroom.

"Where's my clothes?" She asked and my eyes widened, my whole body halted.

"Ah... About that..." I said as I turned to look at her and she raised a brow.

"Never mind, what did you want to show me?" She asked and a smile took over my face again.

I lead her to the table and her eyes widened as she saw the fluffy pancakes, smothered in syrup, with strawberries on both of them... that sat on the table.

"Woah..." Nali gasped as her hand slowly slipped from mine and she sat at the table.

I sat in the chair in front of her and I just wasn't feeling the need to eat so I just watched Nali eat her pancakes, savoring each bite.

The syrup made her lips glossy and it shined under the light.

Her glossy lips opened wide as she stuck big pieces of pancake into her mouth.

When she started chewing again, she looked up at me.

"Why are you staring at me..?" She asked and I smirked.

"Because you're just so... sexy. It's hard not to look at you." I purred and her lips went into a straight line.

Nali just kept quiet and went back to eating. I then started to eat my pancakes... that I didn't make. I'm gonna have to thank Ihop after this or something.

"Jimin...." Nali mumbled and I looked up at her.

"I know you didn't make these pancakes." She snickered and my eyes widened.

"How did you know?" I asked and she grinned.

"Because, I was awake when you opened the bedroom door. I heard you leave and I didn't hear you make any effort to make pancakes."

She said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I had got these pancakes from Ihop." I said and she snickered.

"So... now what?" She asked as her laughs quieted down and I shrugged.


• • •

After we finished our pancakes, we just sat on the couch and watched Netflix.

Nali also hasn't changed yet so she's basically been distracting me this whole time. Jimin Jr is just.... he's standing tall.

I'm gonna need to deal with him in the bathroom or something...

"Nali, I'll be right back." I said as I put the pillow back on the couch.

"Okay." She simply said as her eyes focused on the t.v.

I went to the bathroom to... do my business.


Nali Pov.


I was just watching t.v... not having a thought about where Jimin went..

I was just enjoying my movie until... I heard moans.

I internally groaned as my head tuned towards the bathroom. I sighed as I got up and went to the door.

"Could you please cut the shower on or something." I said as I knocked on the door.

"Yah! You should be glad I'm blessing you with such a noise." I heard Jimin say from the other side of the door.

"It's not a blessing, it's a noise that makes me want to puke." I said and it went quiet.

And that scared me.

The door soon opened and I was quickly pulled inside.

"Yah!" I shrieked as I was trapped between Jimins arms. I leaned against the counter.

Jimin is also naked... and Jimin Jr. is very visible right now...

"You just started a war you can't win, Nali." He purred in my ear and my breath hitched.

I felt his tail slide against my leg. He kissed my neck. Jimin continued his light kisses all around my collarbone.

His hand trailed against my back until it stopped at my waist.

The war has started.


Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 17 of "Kitten"!

I also hope you enjoyed Jimins little Ihop thing. I'm gonna try to do one full chapter that's Jimin Pov. someday.

So yeah, make sure to vote and comment- or don't- it's your choice (◠‿・)-☆

Bye! ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

- Katherine

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