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Blink fast!

In a world where they tell you: never to shut your eyes

But the sight of it—- makes you want to pierce and dig it from the hole it resides

It's sickening.

The blood
The wounds
The bodies
The corpses

Even the tiniest of hearts
Shattered —- by the hands they trusted

Blink fast!

For every second your sight darkens
You become blind
You become ignorant

Like what they have always told you: Ignorance is bliss

...but too much ignorance is murder

The lives
The dreams
The pleas

Drifting away from the screams of the souls

Dead—- wanting to lurk beneath your bed, your nightmares pinning you down with your sheets ruffled by the kicks of your legs and the thrashing of your arms

Your mind becomes your biggest enemy.

And the story continues...

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